2022 Sea World Orlando Roller Coasters

2 years ago 160
We ride Kraken, Ice Breaker, and Mako roller coasters at Sea World Orlando. No fluff only coaster stuff! You might think of Sea World as all about the Killer...

2022 Sea World Orlando Roller Coasters

2022 Sea World Orlando Roller Coasters

We ride Kraken, Ice Breaker, and Mako roller coasters at Sea World Orlando. No fluff only coaster stuff! 

You might think of Sea World as all about the Killer Whales and Dolphins but you'd be overlooking that they are a premier destination for coaster enthusiasts with 4 top tier coasters and a 5th one under construction due to open next year. 

Kraken is a head rattling coaster that gives your head the ping pong ball action between the overhead  soled bar harness

Mako is one of the best "air time" coasters you will ever experience, it feels like you are out of your seat for half of the ride (not in a scary way). The ride is so smooth you'll be laughing from beginning to end on this coaster

Ice Breaker is Sea Worlds newest coaster (until next year) and it's a boomerang style integrated coaster. The ride itself is great but loading onto the coaster is really tight as you can barely slide in front of the seats as you shimmy across. The overhead restraint on this one is like a car seat belt and  actually lives up to the name as a comfort harness. The lap restraint however is a different story altogether. This one really locks you in tight. I wore a belt and the restraint was pushing my buckle into my stomach throughout the ride. Very uncomfortable for most of the ride and down right painful in the g force corners. Do you best to try to leave a click of room between you and that lap restraint when you go on this coaster.

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