35 Post-Event Survey Questions From Our Sold-Out Conference

1 month ago 28

In October 2024, we organized a sold-out, 500-person league called Ahrefs Evolve successful Singapore.

The Ahrefs squad  astatine  Evolve

We’ve already covered how we planned the lawsuit from commencement to finish and how we promoted the event. This clip round, it’s astir however our events tin beryllium amended next time.

Like immoderate bully lawsuit organizer, we sent retired post-event surveys to find retired however we tin amended the acquisition for our aboriginal conferences.

In total, we sent 3 post-event surveys, targeted astatine the antithetic stakeholders: attendees, employees, and sponsors.

Post-event survey questions for attendees

Our events tin ever beryllium improved. The champion mode to cognize what needs betterment and however to amended is to inquire radical who person attended your event.

These are the survey questions we sent to the attendees of Ahrefs Evolve 2024.

Our post-event survey   for attendees
  1. Overall Experience: How would you complaint your wide acquisition astatine the conference?
  2. Event Organization: How satisfied were you with the enactment of the lawsuit (communication, registration, logistics, etc.)?
  3. Content and Speakers: Which 5 speakers did you find astir invaluable oregon engaging?
  4. How would you complaint the prime of the presentations and speakers?
  5. How would you complaint the networking opportunities provided during the event?
  6. Event Venue & Facilities: How satisfied were you with the venue and facilities?
  7. Event App/Platform: How would you complaint your acquisition with the lawsuit app/platform?
  8. What did you bask astir astir the conference? Please stock immoderate highlights oregon circumstantial aspects of the lawsuit you enjoyed
  9. What could beryllium improved for aboriginal events? Please stock immoderate suggestions for improving the conference
  10. Session Relevance: How applicable were the topics covered successful the sessions to your nonrecreational needs?
  11. Event Length and Pace: How would you complaint the magnitude of the league and the pacing of sessions?
  12. Exhibit and Sponsor Engagement: How utile were the accumulation booths and sponsor interactions?
  13. Pre-event Communication: How would you complaint the connection starring up to the lawsuit (reminders, updates, etc.)?
  14. Post-event Materials: How apt are you to entree post-event materials (videos, presentations, etc.) if provided?
  15. Event Duration and Schedule: Was the lawsuit duration (one-day, two-day, etc.) due for the contented provided?
  16. Usefulness of Takeaways: Did you permission the league with actionable insights oregon strategies to implement?
  17. Would you urge this lawsuit to a colleague? On a standard of 1 to 10, however apt are you to urge Ahrefs Evolve to a workfellow oregon friend?
  18. What benignant of contented would you similar to spot successful aboriginal events?
  19. Ticket Pricing: Did you permission the league with actionable insights oregon strategies to implement?
  20. Where should we big the adjacent Evolve 2025?
  21. Will you articulation Evolve 2025?

Post-event survey questions for employees

Our squad was some portion of the lawsuit mentation and contiguous arsenic attendees connected the days itself. So, we besides wanted interior feedback connected however things tin amended be done.

These are the questions we sent.

Our post-event survey   for the Ahrefs team
  1. Pre-event: For those progressive successful the project, it would beryllium adjuvant if you could stock feedback connected however we tin amended pre-event preparations, including immoderate insights connected the timeline, communication, oregon different logistical aspects.
  2. Event time (Workshop 21-23 Oct): Your acquisition arsenic attendee/team that supported the event, noting what worked good and what could beryllium improved.
  3. Event time (VIP nighttime networking Pre lawsuit 23 Oct): Your acquisition arsenic attendee/team that supported the event, noting what worked good and what could beryllium improved
  4. Conference Day (Oct 24-25): Please stock your acquisition arsenic an attendee oregon arsenic a squad subordinate who supported the event, noting what worked good and what could beryllium improved. Other areas to consider: Event Format / Content and Structure / Attendees Engagement / Branding / SWAG / Logistics - food venue
  5. After Party! (Oct 25): Please stock your acquisition arsenic an attendee, noting what worked good and what could beryllium improved.
  6. Plans for Evolve 2025: Any caller ideas for Evolve 2025, including imaginable locations
  7. Is determination thing else?

Post-event survey questions for sponsors

These are the questions we sent to the companies that sponsored our conference. We wanted to marque definite that they’d had a invaluable experience, and mightiness adjacent see sponsoring america again astatine the next event.

Our post-event survey   for sponsors
  1. How was the assemblage astatine your booth?
  2. Did you negociate to link with imaginable leads?
  3. Any suggestions for aboriginal events?
  4. Do you person immoderate affirmative feedback for the event?
  5. What areas we tin amended on?
  6. Any different suggestions to assistance america heighten Evolve 2025?
  7. Would you beryllium capable to supply america with a testimonial oregon quote? We’d similar to showcase you successful our lawsuit selling materials.

What to bash with the survey results

Running a survey is pointless without looking astatine the results and figuring retired what to improve.

In our case, we averaged the scores for the questions that were based connected a 5-point scale. We besides ran a post-event debrief and discussed the qualitative feedback we received.

All of these volition provender into the readying and enactment of Evolve 2025 (and beyond).

Why should you nonstop a post-event survey?

Your events tin ever improve. The champion mode to cognize what and however to amended is to inquire radical who’ve attended your event.

However, it’s impractical to inquire everyone successful idiosyncratic for feedback (unless it’s a tiny event). So, a survey is the champion instrumentality for discovering what worked, what didn’t, and what you tin tweak adjacent clip around.

When should you nonstop the post-event survey?

You’d privation to nonstop the survey erstwhile the lawsuit is inactive caller successful everyone’s minds. For us, we sent the surveys close aft the event ended.

How bash I behaviour the post-event survey?

Don’t overthink this. All you need are:

  1. Your attendees’ interaction information, which you should person if you’re utilizing a lawsuit absorption bundle to assistance with summons purchases and registrations.
  2. A survey tool. If the lawsuit bundle you’re utilizing allows for polls and surveys, past see utilizing that. Otherwise, Google Forms works (what we used.)

What types of post-event survey questions should you include?

For our surveys, we used:

  • Likert standard questions that gauge restitution connected a standard (e.g., 1 to 5)
  • Demographic questions to recognize our audience
  • Multiple-choice questions to fto our respondents prime from a selection
  • Open-ended questions to fto attendees archer america successful item what they liked, disliked, oregon what we tin amended on
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions to spot however apt they’ll urge Ahrefs Evolve
Question regarding the restitution  for lawsuit   organization
Question regarding the wide    acquisition   of the conference
NPS for Ahrefs Evolve

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