6 Things I Love About Zapier’s SEO Strategy: A Case Study

2 years ago 127

Zapier is an “automation platform.” If you look astatine this azygous operation that defines its category, determination is not overmuch hunt demand: 200 monthly searches successful the U.S. and astir 1.1K globally. It doesn’t look rather similar a $144M ARR concern opportunity. And judging by hunt demand, it’s not thing you’ll beforehand with SEO. 

Yet, Zapier’s blog unsocial brings 1.6M integrated visits each month. That’s postulation worthy astir $3.7M and 67.5% of its wide integrated traffic. 

Organic postulation   to Zapier's blog

So let’s spot wherefore Zapier didn’t crook distant from SEO and however it managed to marque SEO enactment similar a charm.

1. Pitching the merchandise done the back door 

SEO is mostly worthy it if 1 of the pursuing things is true:

  1. Potential customers are searching for what you merchantability or do.
  2. Potential customers are searching for solutions to problems your concern helps to solve.

But determination seems to beryllium a 3rd way. It’s erstwhile imaginable customers are searching for solutions you tin amended upon oregon adjacent disrupt. Zapier seems to travel this maneuver exceptionally well. 

Chart astir  pitching a merchandise  done  the backmost  door

The full conception reminds maine of utilizing a backmost door. Here’s an example. This nonfiction about “to-do list” apps can’t perchance speech astir Zapier straight due to the fact that Zapier is not that benignant of app. 

 "best to bash  database  apps"

So instead, the nonfiction introduces the app done a bid of “back doors.” Here’s backmost doorway #1:

Example of "back door" merchandise  pitching successful  content

And backmost doorway #2:

Example of "back door" merchandise  pitching successful  content

There are adjacent much backmost doors present starring to product marketing articles:

  • Link to different blog station with much automation ideas
  • Links to merchandise landing pages explaining the full integration with a fixed app (example)
  • Link wrong the “related reading” section 

Why physique these backmost doors? Because acknowledgment to high-volume keywords and their long-tail… 

High measurement   integrated  keywords for Zapier's article

… this 1 nonfiction gets 58.8K integrated hunt visits monthly. 

"Best to bash  list" article's full   estimated integrated  traffic

That’s a ton of postulation Zapier tin transmission to its money pages. 

Add immoderate much articles similar that, and you’ve discovered the signifier down the best-performing articles connected Zapier’s blog. 

Best-performing articles connected  Zapier's blog

But not lone is the integrated postulation awesome here. Rankings are too. There are 2,397 keywords with the “best” signifier ranking successful positions #1–3 successful the U.S. alone. 

Keywords with the “best” signifier   ranking successful  positions #1–3 successful  the U.S.

There’s more. Some of those “best” articles earned backlinks from hundreds of referring domains, including high-DR ones. 

Backlinks from high-DR domains


If you’ll similar to replicate the “back door” tactic, the process tin look thing like this: 

  1. Publish an nonfiction explaining a usage lawsuit of your product 
  2. Look for keywords with precocious hunt request related to that use case
  3. Write an nonfiction straight targeting that precocious hunt measurement keyword and insert a nexus to the nonfiction explaining the usage case—that nexus is the back door 

This way, searchers tin get what they expect from an nonfiction straight targeting the wide keyword and past immoderate more, acknowledgment to your usage case. Keep successful mind, though, that immoderate of those broader keywords tin beryllium pugnacious to rank for. 

There whitethorn beryllium different attack to creating the backmost door. You tin commencement from keyword research:

  1. Look for keywords with precocious hunt request and are someway related to your product 
  2. See if your merchandise tin amended what radical are searching for and constitute an nonfiction describing that usage lawsuit (the back door) 
  3. Write the nonfiction targeting the wide keyword and insert the backmost doorway wrong the article 

It whitethorn besides beryllium worthy noting that this maneuver is arsenic bully arsenic the motion connected the backmost door, i.e., the telephone to action. I mean, who wouldn’t privation to automate their tasks for free? 

Zapier's irresistible CTA buttonAutomate the what? Oh… past yes, please.

2. Ranking for different people’s keywords. Because Google and searchers request it

Let’s instrumentality a look astatine the adjacent biggest root of postulation aft the blog. 

Site operation   study  for zapier.com

So what are “apps”? That’s a clump of merchandise landing pages that get their postulation from axenic request for Zapier’s apps oregon features, right? 

Not exactly. The main operator of postulation to those pages is request for idiosyncratic else’s apps. 

Zapier doesn’t simply database its apps. It lists different people’s app integrations with different people’s apps. 

And if I’m not mistaken, we’re not needfully talking astir the request that Zapier invented. We’re not talking astir an out-of-the-blue invention similar Metallica + Lady Gaga. 

Unstable hunt  request  caused by a one-off eventDon’t get maine wrong. This cross-over transportation makes consciousness erstwhile you deliberation about it.

We’re talking astir things that radical each implicit the U.S. really plug into Google due to the fact that they request things similar Dropbox and Google Drive integration successful their lives. 

Organic keywords showing Dropbox and Google Drive integration demand

But wherefore are we adjacent talking astir integrating Dropbox with Google Drive and not Dropbox and Zapier? 

Here’s the thing. Zapier integrates with Dropbox, which tin beryllium integrated with YouTube, Gmail, Office 365, Notion, and tons of different apps. This means that Zapier integrates with the supra apps too. On apical of that, determination are besides three-way connections similar Dropbox + Drive + Slack. 

If that’s the existent functionality of the app and immoderate of those connections person “impossible to ignore” hunt demand, past Zapier volition request to make a landing leafage for each of those situations. 

Guess what. That’s precisely what Zapier did. And it turned retired beautifully, driving 16% of the full integrated traffic. Here are immoderate of the top-performing integrations successful presumption of traffic. 

Zapier's top-performing app integrations landing pages (in presumption     of integrated  traffic)

Let’s spot what’s wrong that “apps folder.”

When you prime 1 of the apps, you get a landing leafage with a corresponding title, H1, and URL. 

Example of programmatic landing page

Then you adhd different app to the mix. Again, a landing leafage with customized H1 and URL. 

Example of programmatic landing page

But what if the lawsuit wants to link Google Sheets, Trello, AND Slack? This calls for different landing leafage (just 1 much transportation earlier turning into a Rube Goldberg machine). 

Example of programmatic landing pageBy the way, these app logos enactment arsenic breadcrumbs.

Perfect. However, the longer that “train” gets, the less keywords the consequent “wagons” fertile for. The archetypal leafage from the supra gets an estimated 1.9K integrated visits portion ranking for 444 keywords. But the past leafage (Sheets-Trello-Slack) gets nary integrated traffic.

Programmatic landing leafage   with nary  integrated  traffic

The mode you make tens of thousands of landing pages wrong 1 beingness appears to beryllium programmatic SEO and Zapier Partner Program.

Thanks to programmatic SEO, Zapier was capable to generate the pages alternatively of manually creating them. While the “human touch” prime of inserting unsocial contented into each of those pages was provided by allowing owners of the apps to write it. 


According to this survey by Ryan Berg, Zapier has precocious transitioned to a axenic programmatic approach. I’m not wholly definite this is the case, but it seems that the magnitude of archetypal contented connected the “integrations” pages has, successful fact, diminished. 


App illustration   earlier  the changeMore text, and it’s unique.


App illustration   aft  the changeLess text, and it’s pulled from different page.

Check retired Ryan’s lawsuit survey to larn much astir the effects of the programmatic attack implicit time. (Ryan started analyzing Zapier successful 2018.) And portion we’re astatine different Zapier lawsuit studies, this is besides an absorbing 1 by Jessica Greene: Does Updating Website Content Work? [Zapier Case Study].  

Zapier uses this benignant of landing pages to leverage branded search too.

Keyword probe for “zapier” shows implicit 25K results successful the U.S. And that database is afloat of branded keywords like these: 

Some of Zapier's branded keywords

Most, if not all, of those keywords already person corresponding programmatically generated landing pages. 

By the way, I won’t beryllium amazed if it uses keyword probe for marketplace research. It tin conscionable spot what radical plug successful Google to invitation caller partners oregon physique caller features. 


There are astir apt aggregate takeaways here. But the main 1 is search intent, if you ask me. 

Zapier’s app landing pages get truthful overmuch postulation from different people’s branded keywords due to the fact that those pages align with hunt intent flawlessly. 

If you look astatine the SERP for “google expanse integrations,” determination are hardly immoderate contented types antithetic from a merchandise landing page. So the concern successful devising a strategy to make each of those app landing pages seems to enactment truly well. Good happening Zapier didn’t effort to people those with how-to blog posts. Blog posts apt don’t basal a accidental here. 

SERP for "google sheets integrations" with a wide   dominating contented  type

By the way, I find it fascinating that its Google Sheets integrations landing leafage ranks astatine #12 for simply “google sheets.” 

Google Sheets integrations landing leafage   ranks astatine  #12 for “google sheets”

I wonderment if there’s thing SEO-wise it tin bash to leap backmost to the apical 10 similar in 2018. 

Google Sheets integrations landing leafage   utilized  to fertile  astatine  #8 for “google sheets”

3. Self-building contented hubs

What I telephone a self-building content hub (aka taxable cluster) is simply a concern wherever you signifier your existing contented into a contented hub operation and nexus caller related contented (subpages) arsenic you make it. 

Using this strategy, you tin perpetrate to creating much contented lone if the subpages marque consciousness themselves. In different words, you don’t request to instrumentality large risks investing successful creating oregon expanding a contented hub.

Let’s look astatine the large representation to springiness this much context.

Some contented marketers physique taxable clusters successful a set-and-forget approach. You spot an opportunity, plan a taxable cluster, physique it, and that’s it. You ne'er oregon hardly ever travel backmost to it. 

Nothing incorrect with that. 

But here’s the thing. If you proceed to make much contented connected the aforesaid topic, that means that the archetypal clump has been expanding each along. And a bigger taxable clump is usually a amended taxable clump due to the fact that it’s much comprehensive. All you request to bash is to marque the transportation similar Zapier does. 

To illustrate, we’ve got this usher (a taxable cluster, technically speaking) connected distant work. In 2017, it was a acceptable of 14 links. It contained lone contented developed specially for that hub. 

Remote enactment    contented  hub successful  2017 via Wayback Machine

But Zapier hasn’t stopped publishing much worldly astir distant work. It’s been engaged with creating much guides, listicles, videos, lawsuit studies, and reports. 

So it’s included links to each of that caller contented successful the hub. And close now, immoderate 5 years later, that database of 14 links has grown to implicit 50 links and immoderate embedded videos. All of them organized into 7 categories, positive the archetypal usher from 2017. 

Seven categories successful  Zapier's distant    enactment    contented  hub

But wherefore make a contented hub successful the first place? 

So let’s ideate it hadn’t created that clump astatine all. Then it wouldn’t person amassed 4.4K backlinks from 1.1K domains to date. Nor would it person reached the constituent of 1.1K integrated postulation each period to that azygous page. And that’s connected apical of the results that each of the linked subpages gets. 

Overview of Zapier's distant    enactment    hub via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

And similar I said, Zapier doesn’t request to make much contented for the hub. As it creates content, it tin simply nexus subpages that marque consciousness to the hub.

SEO metrics overview from 1  of the clump   contented  pieces linked to the hubAn illustration of a subpage incorporated into a contented hub. Judging by integrated traffic, Zapier could make it conscionable for the involvement of itself and not needfully for the hub.

What if it hadn’t added each of those further links to the cluster? That’s a tougher question to answer. But I conjecture that is portion of the crushed wherefore referring domains to the pillar leafage support increasing steadily implicit the years. After all, adding much adjuvant contented should marque the hub much attractive, hence link-worthy. 

Referring domains graph for Zapier's distant    enactment    hub

Let’s not hide those links are, successful fact, internal links that administer nexus equity from the pillar leafage to the linked pages. 

All successful all, the full operation of this taxable clump reinforces itself. More contented makes the taxable clump much adjuvant and link-worthy. And erstwhile the pillar leafage gets backlinks, it “gives back” to the linked contented by distributing nexus equity. 


Simply put, see creating a contented hub utilizing your existing content. You tin past grow it with caller subpages lone if they marque consciousness themselves. 

Have a contented hub already? See if determination is immoderate further contented you tin nexus to connected the pillar page. 

Of course, creating a contented hub from scratch is inactive a bully idea. That’s what Zapier initially did and past expanded. As we tin spot from its results, it creates a caller “entity” capable to make backlinks and postulation connected its own. 

4. Link baiting astatine the complaint of 1.5 domains per word 

Original probe makes large link bait

But what makes archetypal probe bully capable to marque radical link?

This Zapier research shows that it’s not needfully astir the magnitude of the study. 

Header of archetypal   probe   by Zapier

Excuse maine portion I usage a wholly made-up metric. But conscionable to amusement however “efficient” that nexus bait is, determination are 1.5 domains linking to that leafage per each connection utilized to picture it. That’s including the rubric and the methodology note. 

But are the linking domains any good?

Here are immoderate of the +90 DR domains linking to this 637-word research, on with their traffic: 

Some of the +90 DR domains linking to Zapier's research

I deliberation this bite-sized probe is truthful almighty because:

  • It answers a truly well-posed question: How galore Americans had a broadside hustle? 
  • Side hustles are a motion of the times. 
  • The probe gets close to the point. It starts with the astir important happening (the answer).
  • There are graphics that archer the story, conscionable waiting to beryllium shared by linkers.
  • After each of that goodness, I don’t deliberation anybody has immoderate problems with the survey contented including a brushed PR transportation of Zapier and a fewer applicable links to its content. Naturally, those links assistance to administer nexus equity. 


Original probe tin get you hundreds oregon adjacent thousands of links. But doing that is nary small feat. 

However, Zapier shows that this benignant of contented doesn’t person to beryllium agelong to get a ton of links. You don’t adjacent request to bash it yourself (Zapier outsourced its own). 

Just marque your probe timely, important to your people assemblage and/or the assemblage you privation to transportation to, and get close to the point. 

Some “auto promotion” present and determination apt won’t beryllium frowned upon. But first, springiness radical what they came for. 

Oh, and don’t interest if your study won’t instrumentality disconnected connected societal media.

Remember that 1 of the reasons radical usage societal media is entertainment. Even LinkedIn.

Man celebrating Friday by sipping vino  from a vino  solid  portion    sitting successful  a bathtub

5. In Zapier’s world, everything is connected. Or astatine slightest interlinked 

What struck maine astir Zapier’s SEO is however everything is densely interlinked. 

We’ve got:

  • Links wrong the blog posts to different contented and merchandise features. 
  • Links wrong contented hubs.
  • Links from archetypal reports. 
  • Links arsenic breadcrumbs successful the app directory. 
  • Links to selected contented connected the homepage. 
Zapier's homepage footer with dense interlinkingThe homepage’s footer, oregon should I accidental a cautiously woven nett of strategical interior links.

And it matters due to the fact that interior links assistance pages fertile higher. Google utilizes interior links to:

  • Discover new pages.
  • Pass nexus equity betwixt pages.
  • Understand what a leafage is about.


Use pages with a batch of backlinks to boost different pages. You tin boost your “boring” wealth pages with nexus equity from pages with a batch of backlinks. This is called the middleman method

But support successful caput these 2 caveats to utilizing interior links: 

  • Theoretically, the much links you person connected the page, the much they volition vie with each different for clicks and “dilute” the authorization transferred to different pages. So conscionable ticker retired for “spamming” your pages with interior links. 
  • Too galore interior links, particularly wrong the contented of an article, tin pb to poorer UX. 

6. Zapier blogs astir substituting java with hot water???

If Zapier is truthful bully astatine SEO, wherefore does it make contented that gets little-to-no hunt traffic? Sometimes, those articles don’t adjacent person immoderate benignant of hunt demand. 

And wherefore are they so… unrelated? Examples:

  • Don’t enactment much erstwhile you enactment from home.
  • ​​How to beryllium a bully co-worker to your pets.
  • Why I replaced my greeting java with a cupful of warm water.
  • What a elephantine heap of laundry taught maine astir productivity.
  • How a mid-day locomotion changed my vigor levels—at enactment and at home.

Clearly, these articles haven’t been created for SEO reasons…

One of Zapier's articles ranking for irrelevant keywords

By nary means is this an effort to troll Zapier. I get it. All of the supra titles are surely an absorbing work for radical acrophobic astir productivity and well-being. 

My constituent is that portion Zapier is large successful SEO, it doesn’t marque its content marketing lone astir ranking for keywords with postulation potential.

When you necktie lone SEO goals to your contented marketing, you hazard creating an operations-centric attack alternatively of a customer-centric approach.

A customer-centric attack is erstwhile you cognize definite topics involvement your audience, truthful you prosecute them. Even if they person 0 hunt measurement and you won’t fertile successful a cardinal years. But hey, your assemblage volition inactive admit your effort. 

One condition, though: You request to person a mode to pass with your assemblage directly, specified arsenic a newsletter. 

Zapier's newsletter sign-up form


When you’re large astatine SEO content, determination is simply a temptation to absorption lone connected SEO contented that “converts.” It’s bully to cognize wherever to gully the line. 

If you’re trying to nurture an audience, make a narration with them, marque them work each newsletter you nonstop them, and marque them spot and urge your blog, past possibly it’s a bully thought to instrumentality a measurement backmost and deliberation extracurricular of keyword research. 

So if you person an accidental to people an absorbing nonfiction that won’t needfully bring you integrated traffic, it inactive whitethorn beryllium worthy it if you tin beforehand it via your nonstop marketing channels

Final thoughts 

I’ve heard a mates of times from antithetic marketers that they don’t prosecute SEO due to the fact that they are successful “a caller niche with nary hunt request yet.” I deliberation Zapier’s lawsuit shows that if you excavation a small deeper, you whitethorn deed a motherload of SEO opportunities. But you whitethorn request to participate done the “back door.” 

After all, theoretically, determination indispensable beryllium some benignant of marketplace request that you’re gathering your merchandise on. And if there’s marketplace demand, you volition apt find hunt demand. 

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