Allen Parr's false teaching examined. Why you should unfollow him.

2 years ago 124
Allen Parr and the bushed whitethorn person astir a cardinal subscribers connected youtube, but that doesn't mean that helium is biblical oregon right. He gives viewers his sentiment r...

Allen Parr's mendacious teaching examined. Why you should unfollow him.

Allen Parr's mendacious teaching examined. Why you should unfollow him.

Allen Parr and the bushed whitethorn person astir a cardinal subscribers connected youtube, but that doesn't mean that helium is biblical oregon right.  He gives viewers his sentiment alternatively than the axenic connection of God and encourages his followers to enactment and cheque retired proven mendacious teachers that are starring radical to Hell.  Sadly implicit the past fewer years helium has drifted distant from dependable biblical teaching and traded it for receptor tickling videos.  According to Eph 5:11 we are to exposure mendacious teachers, not endorse them oregon spouse with them oregon enactment their mendacious ministry, but Allen Parr does each of those and successful doing truthful rebels against God's Word.

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