Armie Hammer's Lawyer Addresses Those Concierge Rumors
Armie Hammer's vocation wasn't for everybody.
Some saw a dilatory but dependable emergence done big-budget swing-and-misses mixed with strong supporting enactment successful smaller but critically lauded films. Others wondered wherefore helium kept getting truthful galore chances to beryllium "The Guy" erstwhile helium had yet to topline a hit. Then again, possibly helium conscionable hadn't found the role. And he'd been moving steadily ever since making his TV debut arsenic Student #2 connected a 2005 occurrence of Arrested Development.
When the actor separated from his woman of 10 years, Elizabeth Chambers, successful July 2020—a bittersweet crook of events for the parents of two, but comparatively regular personage news—the idiosyncratic stumble didn't look to impact his hiring ability, with roles successful a Jennifer Lopez rom-com and the making-of-The-Godfather series The Offer on the horizon.
Six months later, it all went away.
The caller Discovery+ docuseries House of Hammer explores the allegations of disturbing behavior from aggregate women that sent Hammer's vocation spiraling.
The amusement besides delves into the toxic behavior that reportedly set the tone for the storied Hammer dynasty, going back decades to patriarch and Forbes 400 member Armand Hammer (who, for the record, was not a laminitis of Arm & Hammer, but was connected the committee of directors of the conveniently named marque for respective years toward the extremity of his life).
"I deliberation it shines a airy connected multigenerational years of abuse," Armie's aunt, Casey Hammer, told E! News' Daily Pop of the three-part series, "and it's holding radical accountable."
Hammer, who spent clip successful rehab past year, has denied allegations of intersexual assault, maltreatment and other misconduct, maintaining that immoderate intersexual enactment helium engaged successful with his accusers was consensual. No transgression charges person been filed against him. But with respect to an accusation of rape made by a pistillate named Effie successful March 2021, Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office spokesperson Greg Risling told E! News connected Sept. 1 that a specially assigned authoritative is moving with instrumentality enforcement arsenic their investigation continues.
"Once instrumentality enforcement has completed their probe and submits the lawsuit to our Office," Risling said, "we volition behaviour an valuation and record transgression charges that are supported by the evidence."
E! News has reached retired to Armie's lawyer regarding the allegations against him but has not received immoderate caller comment. Lawyer Andrew Brettler told E! past twelvemonth following the battle accusation, "From time one, Mr. Hammer has maintained that each of his interactions with [Effie]—and each different intersexual spouse of his for that matter—have been wholly consensual, discussed and agreed upon successful advance, and mutually participatory. [Effie's] attraction seeking and ill-advised ineligible bid volition lone marque it much hard for existent victims of intersexual unit to get the justness they deserve."
Here are immoderate of the astir startling revelations from House of Hammer:
Flashd founder Courtney Vucekovich says successful occurrence one, "Love Bomb," that she archetypal met Armie Hammer successful a barroom successful Dallas successful the wintertime of 2019. They talked for a spot and helium started pursuing her connected Instagram. The still-married histrion DM'd her successful June 2020, Courtney said, and told her helium and his wife, Elizabeth Chambers, had really been separated for 2 years and helium lived successful New York portion she stayed successful Los Angeles. He would substance and telephone each day, Courtney said.
"I had mislaid my full consciousness of self," Courtney described their relationship. "You're his, completely."
After helium and Elizabeth announced their split connected July 10, 2020, Courtney said she met up with Armie successful Palm Springs and they spent 3 weeks together. "I genuinely was truthful f--king happy," she recalled, noting she inactive had an uneasy feeling. One night, she said, thing "degrading" happened to her that she wouldn't spell into item about, and erstwhile she returned location she broke down implicit it. But, she continued, she saw Armie again a week later.
She shared a photograph of her limb with what she said were wound marks from Armie, which he referred to arsenic "a badge of armor," she said.
Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/Shutterstock
On a thrust done Sedona, Ariz., Courtney recalled Armie telling her he'd lone ever tied up mannequins earlier and helium wanted to effort it with her. (The Hollywood Reporter's Seth Abramovitch said successful the bid that, portion doing probe for a 2017 illustration connected the actor, his rumored interest in BDSM came up connected much than 1 occasion, but the writer said helium was unopen down erstwhile helium tried to question him further astir it.)
She didn't truly privation to, Courtney said, but she fto Armie necktie her up. The ropes near bruises, she alleged. "I didn't similar it. It didn't consciousness safe…It was conscionable horrible," she recalled. "And you're wholly immobilized…I'm conscionable closing my eyes until it ended and helium conscionable went to slumber similar it was nothing."
Six days later, she recalled, helium introduced Courtney to his mom.
Artist Julia Morrison read a text Hammer purportedly sent her detailing a phantasy helium had, successful which idiosyncratic allowed him to necktie her up successful public to spot "if they'll f--k strangers for me" arsenic a mode of proving their devotion to him. Through DMs, she said, helium would compliment her modeling photos, singling out one that depicted Julia being choked, and shared his fantasies.
"You don't deliberation oregon interest astir thing but being a bully small pet," helium allegedly wrote her. "My ain idiosyncratic small slave."
Toward the extremity of the series, she reflects, "I'm truly grateful Armie and I didn't conscionable up."
Courtney said she ended up successful attraction successful the aftermath of her narration with Armie, speechmaking from a diary introduction she said she wrote connected Oct. 5, 2020, connected her mode to rehab: "Not definite why...I'm going there. All I cognize is I don't springiness a f--k what happens to me. I don't privation to die, I don't think, but I'm not trying not to."
She wrote of Armie, "I surrendered to him 100 percent, gave him thing bully I had left...He utilized maine successful each mode humanly possible, for months, and I f--king fto him. I consciousness perfectly numb and tiny and disgusting and ugly."
And portion she was successful rehab, she said, a person informed her that Armie had a caller girlfriend. The pistillate successful question was Paige Lorenze—who, Courtney described, appeared to person bruises connected her assemblage successful a fewer of her Instagram photos.
"And I knew precisely what that representation was, you know?" Courtney said. "He says, 'Wear it similar a badge of honor.' My bosom sank."
The bid includes a clip from a February 2021 Dr. Oz interview successful which Paige described how Armie would instrumentality BDSM paraphernalia, specified arsenic information pins, shibari ropes and a paddle, everyplace with him. (She told E! News successful 2021 that helium introduced her to BDSM and would "have instruments and usage his hands and wound maine each implicit my body.")
She told Dr. Oz that Armie told her helium wanted to find a doc successful L.A. who would region immoderate of her ribs—so helium could fume them and devour them. "He was obsessed with meat," she said. "I brushed it off, but I bash judge that helium was serious."
One night, Paige said, Armie asked her wherever connected her assemblage helium could carve his initials. She didn't answer, she said, but helium proceeded to cut a tiny "A" into her skin, and there's a representation of the purported wound.
When the archetypal circular of accusations astir his behaviour archetypal surfaced successful January 2021 and Armie subsequently exited a movie project, helium told E! successful a statement, "I'm not responding to these bulls--t claims, but successful airy of the vicious and spurious online attacks against me, I cannot, successful bully conscience now, permission my children for 4 months to sprout a movie successful the Dominican Republic."
E! has reached retired to Armie's lawyer for further comment. Last year, lawyer Andrew Brettler, maintaining that each of his client's "interactions" with his erstwhile partners were consensual and agreed upon successful advance, told Vanity Fair, "The stories perpetuated connected societal media were designed to beryllium salacious successful an effort to harm Mr. Hammer, but that does not marque them true."
Allegations against Armie went nationalist successful January 2021 erstwhile purported screengrabs of his graphic DMs were posted online. Courtney said that Paige called her soon after, archetypal asking, "'Why didn't you archer me?'" They discovered that truthful galore details of their respective experiences with Armie were the same, Courtney said, from the cowboy chapeau they some wore successful pictures with him to being made to watch the movie Secretary, successful which Maggie Gyllenhaal's seemingly meek rubric quality is sparked by her BDSM enthusiast brag played by James Spader.
He played the aforesaid medium for each of them, Courtney said, and called her and Paige "perfect small thing."
Casey Hammer—sister of Armie's dad, Michael Armand Hammer, and writer of the 2015 memoir Surviving My Birthright—said connected occurrence two, "Sins of the Father," that she "wasn't shocked" erstwhile the allegations against her nephew surfaced. "This behavior, it's deep-rooted."
Casey said that she witnessed her father, Julian Armand Hammer, physically abusing and different terrorizing her mother, Glenna Sue. (Julian died successful 1996 and Glenna Sue passed successful 2010.) When her ma would effort to leave, Casey said, household patriarch Armand Hammer (Julian's begetter and Armie's great-grandfather, who died successful 1990) would intimidate her into staying. Armand had "frightening, scary energy," his granddaughter said.
The lipid tycoon kept files connected each the household members, Casey said, describing their lives arsenic being "like a chessboard and my gramps liked to power each the moves."
Once her parents divided up, Casey said, Glenna Sue got $200 successful enactment from Julian. Casey said her dada ever had drugs and young women astir him astatine his house, that women "were disposable successful the Hammer family."
Casey alleged successful her publication that her begetter besides physically and sexually abused her and reiterated the accusation successful the show, crediting therapy successful the 1990s with helping her retrieve repressed memories. She hoped her parent would archer her she was crazy, Casey recalled, "but it turns retired she did cognize astir it and what I was remembering was really happening."
Regretting that she ne'er confronted her dada successful his lifetime, Casey said, "The procreation I grew up in, it was closed-door. But it's a antithetic time." She said she hoped Courtney "finds peace."
Edward Jay Epstein (pictured), writer of the publication Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer, said on House of Hammer that Armand, who was CEO of Occidental Petroleum from 1957 until his decease successful 1990, "controlled everyone, including women." When Armand filed for divorcement from his 2nd wife, Angela Carey Zevely, helium accused her of intelligence cruelty—but, Edward recalled successful the series, Armand was said to beryllium the nasty one.
Talking to Edward for a New York Times profile connected Armand in 1981, Angela said her ex-husband had a "cold and calculating brain" and it "causes him nary symptom to spot the sufferings of others. In galore hubby would boast astir the mode helium handled radical and organizations who sought successful immoderate mode to artifact him successful his desires."
Armand sought retired wealth for his adjacent match, Edward said. The businessman was joined to his 3rd wife, Frances Barrett Tolman, from 1954 until her decease successful 1989. But, the newsman continued, Armand continued to person mistresses.
Harold Filan/AP/Shutterstock
In 1955, erstwhile helium was 26 years old, Casey's father, Julian, killed Bruce Whitlock, 28, during a combat implicit a gambling debt—and, arsenic Edward elaborate successful his 1996 book, due to the fact that the unfortunate supposedly got caller with Glenna Sue.
Edward said successful occurrence 2 that Armand arranged for $50,000 to beryllium delivered to a lawyer friend. Julian pleaded not blameworthy by crushed of self-defense, and soon the charges against him were dropped.
"You could get distant with murder," Casey said. "You could bash anything. There was nary accountability."
There were different familial run-ins with the law: In 1920, Armand's Russian migrant father, Dr. Julius Hammer, was sentenced to a minimum of three years successful situation for manslaughter for giving Marie Oganesoff, a Russian diplomat's wife, a botched termination that resulted in her death.
And successful 1976, Armand (who maintained his gramps Julius was unfairly persecuted implicit his Communist ties) was fixed a suspended sentence months after pleading guilty to making $54,000 successful amerciable run contributions to President Richard Nixon and past trying to screen it up by lying to the Watergate committee.
Armand, a large contributor to some Republicans and Democrats, was aboriginal pardoned by President George H.W. Bush.
After his legal scandal, Armand was looking to rehabilitate his estimation connected the satellite stage, his former governmental and media consultant, Neil Lyndon, shared in House of Hammer. And helium did that successful portion by cultivating a narration with chap creation enthusiast Prince Charles, who was recently joined to Princess Diana at the time.
In 1985, Armand hosted a foundation gala for the royal mates astatine The Breakers in Palm Beach, Fla., which outgo betwixt $10,000 and $50,000 per idiosyncratic to attend.
Armand yet donated £40 million, oregon the equivalent of what contiguous would beryllium $250 million, to Charles' assorted causes, Neil said.
Clarence House has said, regarding donations to the Prince of Wales Charitable Fund, that trustees of the money are the ones who vet donors and decide whose wealth to accept.
Neil (pictured) said helium near the Hammer fold for bully aft the July 6, 1988 Piper Alpha accident, a devastating detonation of 1 of Occidental Petroleum's lipid rig platforms successful the North Sea that killed 167 people. Armand, helium said, "took nary involvement whatsoever successful the survivors oregon their families, the families of the dead."
"I deliberation helium was the astir satanic antheral of the 2nd fractional of the 20th century," Neil said of his erstwhile boss. "In presumption of corrupting the governmental process, successful presumption of controlling people, making them creation his tune, determination is nary comparison."
Jesse Grant/Getty Images
Casey alleged successful the bid that her member Michael (Armie's father) and their ain dada Julian did not get along—and that 1 clip Julian offered his lad $1 cardinal if he'd springiness up his girlfriend. Whether oregon not wealth exchanged hands, the pistillate ended up connected Julian's arm, Casey said.
Michael yet went to enactment for his gramps astatine Occidental Petroleum, and erstwhile helium met his aboriginal woman Dru Ann Mobley, Armand approved. Casey explained that Michael yet surpassed Julian successful Armand's eyes—and erstwhile the patriarch died astatine 92 successful 1990, the bulk of his estate, which had dwindled from a once-estimated $180 cardinal to $40 million, went to Michael, his lone grandson.
Casey said her gramps near her $250,000 in his will. (She was among galore plaintiffs who sued the property for what they felt was rightfully theirs, and she told Vanity Fair in 2021 that she ultimately settled for astir $1.4 million.)
"It's not astir the inheritance arsenic overmuch arsenic it was astir conscionable being acknowledged," Casey said connected the show. "I was wholly near out."
MARK WOODWORTH/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
From a letter she said was from her brother, Michael, Casey read, "Although we haven't spoken successful galore years, I heard the untrue and hurtful things you've precocious said astir our family. I tin nary longer stay quiescent and let you to provender your thirst for notoriety astatine the disbursal of our household and the Armand Hammer Foundation. If you take to proceed pretending that the stories you invented are the truth, I volition person nary prime different than to prosecute each ineligible remedy to acceptable the grounds straight. Despite each the symptom your fabrications person caused, you stock the humor moving done my veins. You are inactive my household and I privation you thing but the best."
E! News has reached retired for remark from Michael. The bid notes that neither helium nor his now-ex-wife Dru responded to interrogation requests.