Change These Default Settings and Be Happier With Your Tech - The New York Times

2 years ago 81

tech fix

Simple steps tin marque your smartphone, machine and TV enactment amended for you.

Credit...Glenn Harvey

Brian X. Chen

Aug. 10, 2022, 5:00 a.m. ET

Many default settings buried heavy wrong our exertion marque america stock superfluous amounts of information with tech companies. In my last column, I went implicit however to unopen those off.

But not each default settings bash sneaky things with our information. There are besides immoderate that request to beryllium activated oregon disabled to marque our devices much enjoyable to use.

Newer iPhones, for one, travel with a fancy camera that tin sprout highly wide videos successful ultrahigh “4K” resolution — but astir radical astir apt aren’t utilizing their cameras to their afloat imaginable because, by default, the telephone is acceptable to sprout videos astatine a little resolution.

TVs are different example. Many modern televisions travel with an effect known arsenic question smoothing turned connected to marque videos look arsenic if they are playing astatine a higher framework rate, which is expected to marque fast-motion scenes look much detailed. But successful galore applications, particularly erstwhile you’re watching movies, it creates a soap-opera effect that galore find looks fake. It’s the mounting connected a TV that galore tech-inclined radical power disconnected immediately.

Our user electronics are among our astir costly household purchases, truthful it’s worthwhile to peruse and alteration the default settings to reap their maximum benefits. Here’s what I and different tech writers ever alteration to marque our phones, computers and televisions enactment better.

Apple’s iPhones see assorted settings that are turned disconnected by default and indispensable beryllium activated to marque the instrumentality much convenient to usage and to instrumentality amended photos.

  • Unlock an iPhone portion wearing a mask. Though disguise mandates person been lifted successful galore places, plentifulness of radical inactive deterioration them to consciousness safe, particularly indoors. One of the biggest drags to utilizing an iPhone was having to punch successful a passcode, alternatively than usage facial identification, erstwhile wearing a mask. Recent versions of Apple’s iOS present fto iPhone users unlock the instrumentality without removing their mask. Go to Settings → Face ID & Passcode → Face ID with a Mask and toggle this mounting connected (green).

  • Shoot 4K video. To marque an iPhone camera sprout video astatine its highest resolution, spell to Settings → Camera → Record Video and take a 4K option. (I similar “4K astatine 30 fps” due to the fact that it works good erstwhile uploading videos to societal media apps and net sites similar YouTube.) The downside is that 4K recordings volition clog much of the phone’s integer storage. But if you paid for that fancy camera, wherefore not enactment it to use?‌

  • Activate the camera grid. In integer photography, photographers usage assorted creation techniques to marque photos much aesthetically pleasing. The iPhone camera has a mounting to amusement a grid to assistance constitute shots. Go to Settings → Camera → Grid and toggle this mounting on.

Android phones besides see controls that person to beryllium activated oregon modified to marque the surface look amended and the telephone easier to use.

  • Change the display’s colour profile. Many Android phones travel with big, agleam screens, but their colors whitethorn look oversaturated oregon excessively blue. Ryne Hager, an exertion astatine the tech blog Android Police, said helium typically switched retired the default colour illustration whenever helium acceptable up a caller Android phone. Instructions alteration from telephone to phone. For Samsung phones, spell to Settings → Display → Screen mode Natural. For Pixel phones, spell to Settings → Display → Colors → Natural.

  • Modify the shortcuts. On Android phones, you tin customize the “quick settings” paper for shortcuts to features that you usage often. Swipe down from the apical of the smartphone screen, and swipe down again. If you pat the icon that looks similar a pencil, you tin take to adhd tiles that fto you, for example, activate hotspotting to stock the phone’s cellular transportation with a computer.

  • Activate the camera grid. Similar to iPhones, immoderate Android phones tin besides amusement a grid to marque photograph creation easier. On Pixel phones, unfastened the camera app, swipe down from the apical of the screen, pat the cogwheel icon and past spell to Grid benignant → 3x3.

On Macs, wherever Apple users thin to bash work, it’s utile to set settings to destruct distractions and marque tasks quicker. That involves switching disconnected immoderate features that were connected by default and turning connected immoderate hidden features.

  • Activate a shortcut to amusement the desktop. Shrinking and moving astir windows conscionable to find a record connected the desktop tin beryllium tedious. The archetypal happening I bash with immoderate Mac is activate a shortcut that instantly hides each windows to amusement the desktop. Go to System Preferences → Mission Control → Show Desktop and take a keyboard cardinal to trigger the shortcut. (I usage the fn cardinal connected my MacBook keyboard.)

  • Turn disconnected notifications for distracting apps similar Messages. In an epoch of never-ending video calls, you decidedly don’t privation substance messages bombarding your surface and making sounds erstwhile you’re successful a meeting. Just power those notifications disconnected permanently. Go to System Preferences → Notifications & Focus → Messages → Allow Notifications and toggle the mounting to disconnected (gray). In this menu, crook disconnected notifications for immoderate different noisy apps.

  • Add the Bluetooth icon to the paper bar. Most of america usage Bluetooth accessories similar wireless earphones and mice, truthful to marque it easier to link and disconnect these devices connected a Mac, it helps to person speedy entree to the Bluetooth menu. Go to System Preferences → Bluetooth → Show Bluetooth successful paper bar and cheque the box. This volition amusement the Bluetooth icon successful the upper-right information of the screen, wherever you tin rapidly link and disconnect earbuds and different wireless accessories.

Like Macs, Windows computers, by default, blast america with tons of notifications, but astir frustrating are the galore bleeps and bloops that spell disconnected erstwhile thing goes wrong. Kimber Streams, a Wirecutter exertion who tests laptops, shuts each these annoyances off.

  • Turn disconnected notifications. Go to Settings → System → Notifications. Uncheck each the boxes and toggle disconnected each the switches to disable each notifications.

  • Turn disconnected strategy sounds. Go to Settings → System → Sound → More Sound Settings → Sounds → Sound Scheme: No sounds, and past deed Apply.

Virtually each TV comes with default settings that are acold from perfect for showing the champion picture.

With immoderate TV, it’s worthwhile to adjust colors, brightness and contrast to suit your space. There’s nary cosmopolitan acceptable of steps due to the fact that the champion settings volition disagree for each TV and surviving room. But determination are adjuvant TV calibration tools to marque this simple, including my go-to tool, Disney’s World of Wonder, a Blu-ray Disc with instructional videos connected adjusting your TV settings.

By acold the astir important measurement connected immoderate TV, though, is to crook disconnected the hideous question smoothing effect. Steps alteration crossed TVs, truthful bash a web hunt connected disabling it for your model. On my LG TV, I went to All Settings → Pictures → Picture Mode Settings → Picture Options → TruMotion → Off.

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