Digital Content Creation: What It Is & How to Do It Successfully

11 months ago 53

Digital contented instauration is the process of creating and publishing contented connected integer platforms, similar websites, societal media, and more.

In this post, you’ll larn however to make integer contented that radical privation to see.

Why is integer contented instauration important?

The online satellite is made up of content. Whether you’re searching connected Google oregon scrolling done TikTok, you’re consuming content. 

So if you privation to physique online visibility and drive postulation to your website oregon business, you request to make integer content. This volition let you to scope your people assemblage online.

Also, creating integer contented allows you to physique an assemblage and make spot with them. You’ll go the go-to authorization for thing related to your niche and taxable of choice. 

For example, we people often connected YouTube. Here’s an illustration of the benignant of comments we get:

YouTube remark  praising Sam Oh

Finally, you tin actually gain a surviving from it. You could beryllium paid arsenic a content creator for your integer contented instauration skills, oregon you could monetize the assemblage you’ve built—ads, merchandise placements, affiliate marketing, consulting, selling your ain products, and more.

Here are immoderate examples of integer contented you tin create:

  1. Blog posts – You’re speechmaking 1 now. They’re 1 of the astir communal types of integer content. Learn how to constitute a large blog station here.
  2. Videos – They could beryllium longer-form ones (like those we publish connected YouTube) oregon short-form videos (like TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and more). 
  3. Podcasts – Audio contented that tin scope from short-form (<5 mins) to long-form ones (I’ve seen 7 hours and more). These days, podcasts besides travel successful video formats.
  4. Photos, images, and GIFs – One of the astir communal types of integer contented connected societal media. They could beryllium existent oregon AI-generated. This class besides includes customized illustrations, charts, diagrams, graphs, infographics, memes, and more.
  5. Social media posts – These are contented published connected fashionable platforms similar Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and more. There whitethorn beryllium circumstantial formats for each level (e.g., carousels connected LinkedIn, threads connected Twitter, and more).
  6. Newsletters – Emails sent to an assemblage astatine a peculiar frequency. These tin beryllium long-form essays, curated links (like our newsletter), or more. 
  7. Courses – A structured bid of videos (sometimes unneurotic with substance and worksheets) intended to thatch a taxable oregon topic, similar our SEO people for beginners.

The integer contented instauration process

The process of creating integer contented is akin for each channel. 

Here’s however to do it:

1. Decide connected your main benignant of content

Making a video is antithetic from penning a blog post. So each benignant of integer contented requires you to person antithetic skills.

However, adjacent if your perfect extremity is to beryllium capable to make immoderate benignant of integer content, you’ll privation to statesman by prioritizing. At this stage, getting started and doing the existent happening is much important than dreaming astir being capable to make each types of content. 

So take the one benignant of integer contented you privation to excel astatine creating and get started. 

As writer Scott Young says:

Attempting respective pursuits astatine erstwhile is simply a look for accomplishing nary of them. Progress requires priorities. We request to tackle projects 1 astatine a time—not effort to juggle them each at once.

I urge starting with the contented benignant you person the astir affinity with. These tin effect from your earthy strengths oregon simply the level you walk the astir time on. 

For example, if you find yourself wasting spending hours connected YouTube, past making videos could beryllium up your alley. For me, I enjoyed speechmaking books and blog posts, truthful I ended up choosing penning arsenic my main marketing skill.

2. Find proven topics

No substance the benignant oregon level you’re creating content for, you’ll privation to guarantee you’re creating thing that appeals to your people audience.

Nothing beats the bully old-fashioned method of asking your people assemblage what they privation to see.

Find friends and household that lucifer your assemblage illustration and inquire them what they’d similar to spot oregon what benignant of contented is missing/neglected connected the internet. For example, I breakdance arsenic a hobby. So if I were to commencement a YouTube transmission astir breaking, it would beryllium arsenic casual arsenic hitting up my regular signifier spot and asking my chap breakers immoderate questions.

If you’re a concern and person existing customers, scope retired and inquire them. You tin articulation online groups connected Facebook, Reddit, Discord, and Slack and inquire them questions. 

Beyond that, you tin usage tools to spot what benignant of topics already performed well. This is an indicator that radical are interested—and volition proceed to beryllium interested—in those topics.

For example, if you’re creating blog posts, you’ll privation to cognize the topics radical are searching for connected Google. Since they’re searching for those topics, past it’s apt they’ll privation to work about them.

To find these topics, you’ll person to bash keyword research. This is the process of uncovering the words and phrases radical hunt for successful hunt engines.

The easiest mode to bash this is to usage a keyword probe instrumentality similar Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer
  2. Enter a connection that’s applicable to what you privation to make contented astir (e.g., basketball)
  3. Go to the Matching terms report
  4. Switch the tab to Questions
Matching presumption     study  with "Questions" tab toggled, via Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer

This study volition amusement you each the questions containing “basketball,” sorted by search volume. Look done the study and prime retired the questions you privation to write about. 

Other examples:

  • Reddit – Find a applicable subreddit (e.g., r/tennis if you’re making tennis videos) and prime “Top” and “All time.” This volition amusement you the astir upvoted posts successful that subreddit.
  • Twitter – Install a Chrome hold similar Twemex, which volition amusement you a user’s astir fashionable tweets of all time.
  • YouTube – Use tools similar TubeBuddy oregon VidIQ to bash keyword probe for YouTube.
  • Podcasts – Use a hunt motor similar ListenNotes to spot which episodes successful your niche are trending.

3. Create the content

There are 3 main steps progressive successful the process of actually creating the content:

Flowchart showing however  to plan, create, and people      content

Let’s instrumentality a deeper look.


Before you enactment pen to paper, you’ll privation to person a wide thought of what it is exactly you privation to say. Otherwise, determination is simply a existent hazard of going off-track, missing the main points, and making your assemblage autumn asleep.

You whitethorn get distant with simply throwing your thoughts retired arsenic a tweet oregon IG story. But adjacent then, those types of posts tin payment from readying and rewriting:

1. Always springiness worth earlier you inquire for value.

2. Spend much clip revising your tweets than you deliberation is reasonable. Most of excavation instrumentality 10-20 minutes to write.

3. Post astatine slightest 1 tweet per day.

— James Clear (@JamesClear) August 11, 2020

So this signifier means creating an outline (or a storyboard if you’re making a video). For example, this station began arsenic an outline:

Outline of the station  connected  integer  contented  creation

To make the outline, I combined a mix of:

  • My ain idiosyncratic acquisition and knowledge.
  • Looking astatine what the top-ranking pages person covered.
  • Running a content spread analysis.

Here’s however to bash the last one:

  1. Go to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer
  2. Enter your people topic
  3. Scroll to the SERP overview
  4. Select a fewer of the top-ranking pages
  5. Click Open in and take Content gap
SERP overview for "how to get   amended  astatine  basketball," via Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer

This study shows you each the communal keywords the top-ranking pages are ranking for. These could marque imaginable subtopics we could cover. However, we lone privation to spot the astir applicable ones, truthful let’s acceptable the “Intersections” filter to 3, 4, and 5:

Content Gap report

Scrolling done the list, we tin spot a fewer subtopics to include:

  • how to larn to play basketball
  • how to beryllium amended astatine basketball
  • tips for basketball
  • basketball techniques
  • how agelong does it instrumentality to get bully astatine basketball
  • how to get the shot much successful basketball

If you’re making an acquisition video connected YouTube, this publication format has worked good for us:

  1. Problem – Lead with the occupation your video is solving.
  2. Teaser – Show that there’s a solution to the occupation without giving it away.
  3. Solution – Teach however to lick the problem.

Once you’re done with your outline oregon storyboard, I urge getting a person oregon workfellow to springiness feedback. We bash this for each our outlines (and drafts too). At this stage, this feedback volition beryllium invaluable successful helping you place what’s missing and what could beryllium improved, particularly with respect to the structure.


No substance what you’re creating, this portion is truly astir hunkering down and conscionable making the content. 

You’ll person your ain quirks and fancies present (for example, I bask a cupful of beardown java portion writing). But from experience, it’s earnestly astir blocking retired a chunk of clip and moving connected the contented with nary distractions.

This could mean:

  • Creating a non-negotiable artifact of clip connected your calendar and committing to it.
  • Putting your telephone connected “airplane” mode oregon successful different room.
  • Letting others cognize you don’t privation to beryllium disturbed during that clip (especially important if you enactment from home).
  • Using a webpage-blocking Chrome extension.
  • Logging retired of each societal media and squad chat software, similar Slack or Teams.
  • Forcing yourself to make without editing (this pertains particularly to writing).

When you’re done creating, you should (again) get feedback from a person oregon colleague. Doing this volition assistance trim inaccuracies, logical loopholes, spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes.


This is the easiest part. Once you’re done, it’s truly conscionable a substance of formatting, finalizing, and uploading your enactment onto the people platform.

4. Measure and show performance

Content instauration is each astir the feedback loop. You’ll privation to make contented and people it, and you’ll besides privation to cognize if it’s hitting the target. 

Are radical consuming it? Do radical similar it? What tin you amended connected oregon bash less of?

Answering these questions volition necessitate you to measurement your content’s performance. Besides getting qualitative feedback from your audience, you tin besides usage tools to spot said performance.

For example, if your main integer contented benignant is blog posts, you’ll privation to cheque Google Search Console and spot if you’re generating immoderate hunt traffic.

Ahrefs' Google Search Console show  report

You’ll besides privation to adhd your main keywords to Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker to spot if you’re ranking precocious connected Google:

Ahrefs' Rank Tracker showing keywords and their metrics (position change, volume, and traffic)

For different platforms, you’ll apt beryllium capable to spot your analytics via the level itself. For example, if you’re creating contented for YouTube, you’ll privation to spell to YouTube Studio and cheque your analytics. 

When you spot thing working, see doubling down and making much of the same. But don’t beryllium acrophobic to experimentation too. Use the technological process—if thing doesn’t work, tin you effort a antithetic approach? Perhaps a antithetic hook, structure, oregon format? 

It’s each astir playing around, experimenting, and figuring retired what works on the way.

Final thoughts

There are 2 main factors down palmy integer contented creation:

  1. Consistency – Two things here: First, to beryllium bully astatine something, you request to signifier consistently. Second, it’s hard for your assemblage to go a instrumentality of idiosyncratic who creates erstwhile and disappears. So marque definite you’re ever showing up. Do this by publishing astatine a frequence you tin perpetrate to. But don’t beryllium overly ambitious—you tin ever ramp up successful the future.
  2. LongevityAccording to SEO Jacky Chou, publishing 21 podcast episodes puts you successful the world’s apical 1% of podcasts. This stat is not telling you however casual it is to nutrient a podcast but how rapidly most radical springiness up. You tin triumph the crippled simply by outlasting everyone.

Any questions oregon comments? Let maine cognize on Twitter.

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