EVO 2022: Bandai Namco Teases Next Tekken Game - IGN - IGN

2 years ago 103

Bandai Namco has shared conscionable a glimpse of an upcoming Tekken project.

On signifier astatine EVO 2022, aft the Tekken 7 Grand Finals, Bandai Namco shared a trailer for its adjacent Tekken 7 update. At the decision of a trailer, they showed the iconic Tekken cutscene of Kazuya Mishima throwing his father, Heihachi Mishima disconnected a cliff.

At the constituent erstwhile the cutscene zooms successful connected Kazuya's face, it instantly swaps from 1994's PlayStation mentation of Kazuya to a precise modern-looking mentation of the character. "Get Ready" past appears connected the screen, earlier the trailer fades to black. You tin skip to the 1:40 people successful the video beneath to ticker the teaser.

Ready your fists for much 👊

📣 A escaped update with conflict equilibrium adjustments volition beryllium implemented successful #TEKKEN 7

🗓 The Global Finals of the #TWT2023 volition beryllium held connected February 4-5, 2023 successful Amsterdam

…watch until the end! pic.twitter.com/47cMCc0VXI— TEKKEN (@TEKKEN) August 8, 2022

Series manager Katsuhiro Harada concisely showed up connected the authoritative EVO stream, but didn't elaborate astatine each connected the tease. While we don't cognize for definite conscionable yet, it's astir apt harmless to presume that this teaser is pointing towards Tekken 8. However, the teaser explicitly utilized footage from the archetypal Tekken, truthful there's a accidental it could beryllium a remake oregon reboot of the series. There's thing authoritative from Bandai Namco conscionable yet connected what this task is, truthful we'll conscionable person to hold and see.

Tekken 7 primitively released successful 2017, and has received a ton of DLC enactment since launch. We gave the crippled a 9.5 successful our Tekken 7 review, saying the game, "strikes a good equilibrium betwixt accessibility to bid newcomers and retaining overmuch of its method traditions.

For much warring crippled quality from EVO, cheque retired SNK's announcement of a marque caller Fatal Fury game, rollback netcode coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ, and PlayStation's EVO survey astir NFTs.

Screens - Tekken 7 [Version 3.00]

In This Article

Tekken 7

The Tekken franchise celebrates its 20th day with the adjacent improvement of the warring king franchise.Tekken 7 returns to the gameplay roots with classical 1 vs 1 bouts and a canon storyline centered connected the eternal conflict for powerfulness amongst the members of the Mishima clan.

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