Google sues Sonos over smart speaker and voice control tech - The Verge

2 years ago 64

Google is striking backmost astatine Sonos with a brace of lawsuits alleging that the wireless talker institution is infringing connected a fig of its patents astir astute speakers and dependable power technology. It’s the latest volley successful a back-and-forth conflict implicit wireless speakers that has truthful acold progressive aggregate lawsuits from Sonos, 1 suit from Google, and 1 ruling successful favour of Sonos that’s led to features being stripped from Google’s products.

These caller lawsuits allege infringement of 7 further patents. One suit focuses connected hotword detection and wireless charging, and the different revolves astir however a radical of speakers determines which 1 should respond to dependable input.

Google spokesperson José Castañeda said the lawsuits are being filed to “defend our exertion and situation Sonos’s clear, continued infringement of our patents.” Castañeda said that Sonos had “started an assertive and misleading run against our products, astatine the disbursal of our shared customers.”

Both lawsuits are being filed this greeting successful the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. Google plans to record akin lawsuits with the US International Trade Commission successful the coming days that volition question to prohibition imports of immoderate infringing Sonos products, Castañeda told The Verge.

The ineligible skirmish started successful 2020 erstwhile Sonos initially sued Google implicit multiroom talker technology. The 2 companies had partnered years earlier to marque Google services enactment connected Sonos speakers, and Sonos claimed that Google went connected to bargain its talker tech to physique the Google Home and different devices. Google countersued months later, claiming Sonos infringed connected a fig of its patents, too. Then Sonos sued again. Finally, successful January — 2 years aft the archetypal suit was filed — the US International Trade Commission ruled successful Sonos’ favor, uncovering Google successful usurpation of Sonos’ patents.

In response, Google has had to set features of immoderate of its products. That included Google removing the ability to set the measurement of a radical of speakers astatine erstwhile — a beauteous annoying alteration for owners of aggregate Google speakers. Today’s lawsuits seems to beryllium an effort by Google to summation leverage connected Sonos arsenic the 2 spar implicit features.

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