Halo Infinite Just Got Its Biggest Update Of The Summer - Kotaku

2 years ago 68

A Spartan worker  holds a sniper firearm  connected  the Launch Site representation  successful  Halo Infinite.

Screenshot: 343 Industries

It’s a uncommon time successful Video Game Land erstwhile fans inquire for a clump of worldly from a unrecorded work crippled and then…actually get it. But that’s precisely what happened today, erstwhile developer 343 Industries rolled retired a ton of community-requested features to Halo Infinite, its free-to-play multiplayer shooter.

Halo Infinite, archetypal released past year, has had a spot of a rocky beingness cycle. As with galore free-to-play shooters, Halo Infinite is based connected a seasonal model. Initially planned to past 3 months, the seasons person truthful acold operated connected six-month cycles. (We’re partway done the 2nd season, which is acceptable to tally until aboriginal November.) Fans accidental this has near the shooter starved of indispensable content—like maps, modes, and cosmetics—preventing it from feeling arsenic caller arsenic it could be.

The shooter is besides structured astir a rollout of play challenges. Completing your challenges nets you XP, which levels up your conflict pass, giving you caller cosmetic options with each level. Previously, you could lone cheque connected your progressive challenges portion idling successful the lobby betwixt matches. Following today’s update, you tin spot them successful the mediate of a match. There’s a catch, though: Challenges don’t way advancement successful existent time, truthful you won’t really cognize if you landed those 5 headshots oregon immoderate until the lucifer is over. But hey, progress!

Halo Infinite's intermission  paper   shows play   challenges.

These aren’t existent challenges (they’re 343's placeholder text) but man, I privation each Halo Infinite challenges were named aft one-liners from ‘80s enactment flicks.Screenshot: 343 Industries

Today’s update besides marks Halo Infinite’s archetypal measurement toward “cross-core customization,” oregon the quality to usage each customization options connected each “armor cores.” Rather than 1 acceptable of armor for your avatar, a 26th-century supersoldier, you person 5 alleged armor “cores.” Each 1 rocks a antithetic look; you tin customize them arsenic you spot fit. But cosmetic options—from accessories to armor parts to adjacent the assorted colour options—are tied specifically to each core. You can’t, for instance, usage immoderate colors from the Mark VII core’s veritable Crayola container of armor coatings connected the cores that deficiency coagulated options (looking close astatine you, Mark V [B]).

Now, aft today’s update, each visors enactment with each armor cores; they’ll conscionable amusement up automatically for each 5 of your cores. Unless I’m missing it, though, the armory doesn’t bespeak which armor halfway the visor was initially associated with. And since immoderate are much oregon little identical—like the Yoroi core’s heavy bluish Tempered Steel and the Rakshasa core’s heavy bluish Tempered Steel—you extremity up with a fistful of visor options that look similar duplicates. (Your regular reminder that you tin clasp the Y fastener to comparison immoderate cosmetic enactment with what you’ve presently equipped.) But hey, again: progress!

That’s not all. Later successful the month, Halo Infinite volition person competitory and societal versions of the beloved Team Doubles playlist, successful which teams of 2 look disconnected connected tiny maps. (These are presently scheduled for August 23, but 343 hasn’t ever deed targeted dates for Infinite’s updates.) But 343 softly changed the Team Snipers playlist today, rolling retired an update that wasn’t successful the authoritative announcement, calling attraction to it only connected societal media.

Ever since the Team Snipers playlist’s rollout earlier this summer, it’s featured a mode that starts you disconnected with the stalker rifle—a damn bully precision weapon…that’s besides highly not a sniper rifle. After today, that mode is gone, replaced by a mode that lone spawns you with snipers. Shotty Snipes, successful which you commencement with a sniper and a shotgun, is inactive there, thankfully. Sadly, the Brute Snipes mode hasn’t been purged, though astatine slightest the starting weapon, the skewer, is technically a sniper rifle. Sorry, nary connection yet either connected whether oregon not Halo Infinite volition get a mode with lone the daze rifle. But hey, 1 past time: progress!

Sure, individually, these are each tiny changes. But taken together, it’s a motion of a crippled that’s dilatory adapting to what players privation it to be—much similar Halo: The Master Chief Collection earlier it. Soon enough, we’ll each aftermath up and recognize Halo Infinite excessively has legitimately evolved into a unrecorded work game.

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