Here's What Emma Roberts Had to Say About Joining the Marvel's Madame Web

2 years ago 91

Emma Roberts Reacts to Becoming a Viral Meme: "Thank You Gays"

Marvelous things are successful the works!

With implicit a twelvemonth remaining until Madame Web's slated release, we are anxious for details astir the adjacent installment successful the Spider-Verse. Although a afloat quality breakdown and formed database person not been released, we bash cognize Tell Me Lies executive shaper Emma Roberts is connected the roster.  

But arsenic acold arsenic what relation Roberts volition play successful the Spiderman spin-off, present that inactive remains a mystery. In an interrogation with Entertainment Tonight the histrion stayed beauteous tight-lipped astir details for her character. However, she did tease, "I tin archer you that I'm successful L.A. close now, but I'm going backmost to sprout a fewer much scenes soon, truthful we'll conscionable person to see."

She went connected to accidental that her acquisition connected the acceptable truthful acold has been "really fun."

She intelligibly is bully astatine keeping secrets but, hey, we'll instrumentality what we tin get!

She did nevertheless stock a spot much astir what it's been similar moving with co-stars Dakota Johnson and Sydney Sweeny, sharing, "I person to say, I was truthful excited to get to articulation the cast. I emotion Dakota Johnson. I emotion Sydney Sweeney. It's a really, truly unsocial formed and story, truthful I'm truly excited. It's been truly amusive to enactment with everyone."

Ricky Vigil M/GC Images

Though Roberts yet didn't springiness up the goods, she did acceptable the barroom precocious connected what we tin expect from the movie assuring that "it's truthful cool," continuing, "I can't hold for everyone to spot it, for real."

Until that time, we'll person to hold until the movie is released connected Oct. 6 successful 2023. 

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