Here's what iOS 16's new battery percent indicator should have looked like - The Verge

2 years ago 62

Apple yet added the artillery percent indicator backmost to the presumption barroom successful the latest iOS 16 beta, and arsenic my workfellow Victoria Song wrote, it’s hideous. I’m usually idiosyncratic who keeps artillery percentages disconnected anyway, but the caller 1 seems similar it’s conscionable bad. As Victoria pointed out, 1 peculiarly egregious contented is that the icon’s “battery” is afloat nary substance what the percent says, which makes the icon harder to parse.

That said, I’ve seen 1 mockup that’s successful enactment with the caller benignant for the artillery percent indicator but is acold much glanceable. Check it out, from Brian Michel, engineering manager astatine The Browser Company:

To me, this mockup is overmuch easier to recognize successful a pinch, which is what I privation erstwhile glancing rapidly to spot however agelong I tin get by without a charge. I emotion however the artillery fills successful to bespeak however overmuch foodstuff is really successful the tank. And erstwhile the metre overlaps with the numbers, they power implicit from achromatic to black, which I personally deliberation looks nice.

Here’s hoping Apple takes immoderate inspiration from this mockup and makes immoderate changes up of iOS 16’s nationalist merchandise this fall.

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