Horror abbreviated RIVEN | Terrifying shade movie | Dark Matters Presents
Horror abbreviated RIVEN | Terrifying shade movie | Dark Matters Presents
About Dark Matters:
Dark Matters is simply a YouTube transmission focusing connected the precise champion successful abbreviated fearfulness from caller filmmakers each implicit the world. We'll beryllium bringing YouTube premieres arsenic good arsenic exclusive archetypal contented including shorts from Dark Matter Films, arsenic good arsenic Q&As and reviews. Join america wherever the acheronian matters...
Do you ever get that feeling that erstwhile you look into a reflector thing other stares back? In Riven, a young barmaid discovers a peculiar reflector that reveals thing acold much terrifying than conscionable her reflection... (Netherlands)
Riven is simply a terrifying shade communicative written and directed by Sjoerd De Bont. It besides features beauteous cinematography by Goof De Koning, DP of THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE.
Riven connected IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5000650/...
CAST: Maike Boerdam, Katarina Justic, Raymond Kurvers.
Director Sjoerd de Bont
Producers Sjoerd de Bont, Jaro Gevers, Vivian Sandee
Scenario Paul de Vrijer
Director of Photography Goof de Koning
Editor Marc Mookhoek
Music Tim Janssens
Audio Mark Kloosterhuis
Gaffer Olga Willems
First AD Jaro Gevers
Focus Puller Zowik Abramov
Assistant Director Jolijn Landheer
Make-up Eva Kuypers, Marjolein Jansen-de Vries
Special Make-Up Yira Pimentel
Production Assistant Jordi van der Steen
Catering Lucia Verstappen, Miranda Le Blanc
Sounddesign Jaap Wajer
Colorist Luuk de Kok
Visual Effects Supervisor Ashok Rajeswaran
Visual Effects Artists Ben Streek, Ruben Swart
Titel Designer Bram van de Vossenberg
Set Photographer Oscar Timmers
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