How do you hire a marketing technologist?

2 years ago 58

Martech is an emerging subject that constitutes the intersection of accepted selling fundamentals and bleeding-edge technologies. How bash companies find and enlistee radical that beryllium wrong this intersection? How bash you enlistee selling technologists erstwhile the perfect candidates mightiness not adjacent deliberation to place themselves successful that rubric?

Dig deeper: The improvement of the selling technologist: How martech roles person changed during the past 7 years

These questions made for a dynamic taxable of treatment astatine The MarTech conference successful Boston. The session, called “Inside the Search for a Martech Unicorn: How Healthgrades Attracted and Landed Top Martech Talent,” provided perspectives of the hiring team, the recruiter and the winning candidate.

The recruiter, Erica Seidel, created an infographic to assistance bring colour and property to the occupation description. “There’s this presumption there’s going to beryllium tons and tons of radical available, but invited to martech. If you’re looking for a selling exertion person, you request to merchantability to them. You’re selling to marketers. Think of yourself much arsenic a endowment scout.”

The winning candidate

The winning candidate, Correy Honza, earned the presumption of manager of selling exertion astatine Healthgrades, an online assets for accusation astir physicians and hospitals. Honza had not been actively looking for a caller occupation and didn’t deliberation of himself arsenic a “marketing technologist.” Then helium came crossed the infographic Seidel created to enlistee for the position. He told the audience, “I was truthful impressed that this institution would walk the clip to enactment thing similar this together. And I said, ‘Yes this is me!'”

“We are inactive aboriginal days successful this space,” said Jay Wilson, SVP, selling platforms and services astatine Healthgrades, who represented the hiring squad connected the panel. He said they realized the connection they were utilizing to picture the relation didn’t lucifer however candidates were reasoning and talking astir it. Seidel helped them talk the aforesaid language.

Honza went done a rigorous interrogation process that included giving a presumption connected himself to showcase his talents. In the last round, Honza says the hiring squad gave him a task: “You got the role. What would you bash for the adjacent six months?” He was past fixed entree to staff, information and tools to trade his plan. Siedel encourages her clients to springiness finalist candidates enactment that volition fto them “try connected the occupation for size. It tin beryllium a tiny project. Look for substance alternatively of style.”

Honza said the interrogation process prepared him to deed the crushed moving connected his archetypal day. “I understood the civilization and radical and however to marque connections,” helium said.

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Seidel says it’s often not deficits successful aptitude oregon cognition that wounded interrogation candidates. “The happening that trips radical up is ‘altitude.’ I deliberation a batch of martech radical are beardown successful attitude, and aptitude is casual to assess. Altitude is the quality to level-up erstwhile talking to a CMO, for illustration [and sermon strategy alternatively than in-the-weeds tactics].”

Wilson agreed: “The quality to spell micro to macro is what separates leaders successful this space.”

To those looking to get into martech, Wilson said, “You request to beryllium comfy surviving successful the middle, successful the blur. Sometimes that makes maine uncomfortable and makes teams uncomfortable due to the fact that you are successful this mediate place, and you tin consciousness similar you’re crossing boundaries. It shouldn’t truly matter, though, due to the fact that your occupation is to marque lawsuit experiences better. It’s not astir a intelligibly defined relation but astir the outcomes you’re creating.”

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About The Author

Ginny Marvin was formerly Third Door Media’s Editor-in-Chief, moving the day-to-day editorial operations crossed each publications and overseeing paid media coverage. Ginny Marvin wrote astir paid integer advertizing and analytics quality and trends for Search Engine Land, Marketing Land and MarTech Today. With much than 15 years of selling experience, Ginny has held some in-house and bureau absorption positions. She tin beryllium recovered connected Twitter arsenic @ginnymarvin.

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