Influencer Oli London Apologizes for Getting Surgery to Look Like BTS' Jimin

2 years ago 61

Oli London apologized successful a video for undergoing dozens of surgeries to look similar the K-Pop idol Jimin of BTS, citing self-esteem and individuality issues.

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YouTuber Oli London is issuing an apology to K-Pop group BTS' Park Jimin and the Asian assemblage for "trying to go different person."

The influencer, who is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, has undergone 32 surgeries to "achieve (their) Jimin look," they said successful a video per NBC News. The different operations see six chemoreceptor jobs, an oculus surgery, a facelift, a brow lift, a temple assistance and a teeth procedure, due to the fact that London wanted to "look precisely like" their "ultimate idol." London said in a 2021 YouTube video, titled "Being Korean," that they were nary longer "British," but "Korean."

However, London present regrets their actions, saying successful an Aug. 29 YouTube video that "it wasn't the close happening to do" and adding that it was incorrect to "emulate Jimin successful specified an obsessive way."

Though London "still identifies arsenic Korean," they extended an apology to "any subordinate of the Asian assemblage that has ever misunderstood maine oregon misinterpreted maine oregon thought possibly I was a small spot excessively obsessed with Jimin."

The YouTuber said successful their apology video that their individuality was impacted owed to being bullied successful school, causing them to person self-esteem issues.

"That has been a large origin successful maine having surgery, maine being unhappy, maine besides funneling my emotion into Jimin," London said. "I truly tried to exemplary myself connected that person, due to the fact that I thought that would marque maine happy."

Instagram; The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty Images

After precocious getting married, London said this moved them to "grow arsenic a person."

"I can't beryllium different person," London said successful the video. "I conscionable request to emotion myself. I've started to truly emotion myself."

London's archetypal comments connected their individuality alteration sparked a backlash connected societal media, with a non-binary Korean user penning connected Twitter, "The information that they are acting similar it's genuine and that it's portion of a ‘journey' owed to [...] ‘identity issues' truly irks me. It's a mockery of trans people, it's taste appropriation."

Other users besides weighed in, adding, "Sorry you person to alteration your assemblage to consciousness loved and invited but that doesn't marque you Korean."

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