Intel is the archetypal GPU shaper to connection AV1 encoding capabilities wrong its Arc graphics lineup. Thanks to YouTuber EposVox, who tested the exertion connected an Arc A380 graphics card, we were fortunate to spot the encoding successful action. The YouTuber discovered that AV1 is highly businesslike for video streams that nutrient a debased spot rate. It outperformed each H.264 hardware encoders, specified arsenic the NVENC encoder from rival NVIDIA.
Intel AV1 Encoder outperforms rival NVIDIA's NVENC H.264 video codec
Many videos connected YouTube that are watched regular person adopted the caller AV1 encoding, particularly implicit the past fewer years of development. Intel's AV1 video encoding was initially developed by the Alliance for Open Media arsenic a royalty-free open-source video coding format successful 2015. The format is revolutionary successful mentation and free, allowing it to beryllium much accessible for users to utilize via the Internet. AV1 produces less record sizes than the H.264 format, offering a vastly larger compression capability.
In the past respective years, AV1 was progressively adopted successful video streaming platforms and has seen much extended usage successful graphics paper architectures, specified arsenic the NVIDIA RTX 30 series, AMD's RDNA 2 architecture, and precocious successful Intel's iGPUs. Sony besides integrated the exertion successful the PlayStation 4 Pro console gaming system.
In contented creation, particularly successful streaming, AV1 has not seen afloat utilization, adjacent with the video encoding available. Current graphics engines bash not connection enactment for AV1 encoder engines. With bundle assistance, a system's processor tin utilize the AV1 codec. However, hardware that tin accelerate AV1 encoding decently has ne'er been developed, but for Intel's caller Arc graphics cards.
In the supra video, EposVox placed Intel's AV1 encoder and tested the exertion against respective H.264 encoders. Included successful the investigating were AMD's AMF, Intel's Quick Sync, NVIDIA NVENC, and bundle options disposable successful streaming packages, specified arsenic the streaming bundle OBS.
The YouTuber utilized Netflix's VMAF benchmark instrumentality that allows the idiosyncratic to analyse video prime with a scoring of 0 (which would beryllium considered intolerable to watch) to 100 (the champion prime of video imaginable). The benchmark instrumentality compares the video prime to uncompressed video and is tested astatine 3.5MBps, 6MBps, and 8MBps.
The video utilized was footage from the crippled Battlefield 2042. At 3.5MBps, Intel's AV1 video encoder scored 83 points, portion astatine 6MBps, it reached 90 retired of 100 points available. On the different hand, NVIDIA NVENC scored 71 astatine 3.5MBps, but 8MBps achieved 85 points. AMD and its AMF encoder were akin to NVIDIA, and Intel's Quick Sync encoder reached 76 and 87, respectively. Intel utilizes the Quick Sync encoder successful the Alder Lake level currently.

The benchmark trial produced by EposVox shows that the Intel AV1 video codec has an summation of sixteen percent amended show than NVIDIA and AMD.
OBS offered astonishing results with its H.264 software-based encoder preset, x264 VerySlow. The integrated bundle offered 78 points astatine 3.5 MBps and 88 astatine 6MBps. However, for streaming, it is not a usable format, truthful streamers would amended debar the mounting altogether.
As EposVox has educated users connected streaming successful general, it is notable that 3.5 MBps is much accessible to viewers and the saccharine mounting erstwhile utilizing Intel and the AV1 encoding. It produces a much disposable watercourse prime portion utilizing less resources than rival companies.
News Sources: Tom', s Hardware