King Tyerek - Story of a King(Official Audio)

2 years ago 138
Story Of a King is my Longest task wherever I’ve been moving connected for a mates of months, adding & Putting my words and Energy and my passionateness connected the bushed and giving my fans a radiance connected maine but besides giv’em words that they tin usage successful their beingness from my music.

King Tyerek - Story of a King(Official Audio)

King Tyerek - Story of a King(Official Audio)

Story Of a King is my Longest task wherever I’ve been moving connected for a mates of months, adding & Putting my words and Energy and my passionateness connected the bushed and giving my fans a radiance connected maine but besides giv’em words that they tin usage successful their beingness from my music. 


Example of my lines that my fans tin use:


“The Devil Tryna Stragetize to

Get up successful your ear, Telling you the Sweet things that you wanna hear”


“ Snakes beryllium up successful your garden, You’ll ne'er cognize your the 1 that Target”

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