Microsoft celebrates 15 years of OneDrive with a redesign and new features - The Verge

2 years ago 80

Microsoft’s marking OneDrive’s 15th anniversary with a caller landing page, called OneDrive Home, and it should marque it easier to support tabs connected your work. Instead of arriving connected the My files tab erstwhile you archetypal unfastened OneDrive, you’ll find yourself connected the caller Home leafage that resembles that dashboard successful the online mentation of Office.

Like the Office web app, OneDrive Home contains a database of your files, organized by however precocious you accessed them. Above the database are filters that fto you benignant your documents by Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF record types.

It’s easier to recognize the caller changes erstwhile you spot them. Image: Microsoft

There’s besides a caller “Activity” file to the close of the “Owner” record tract that tells you erstwhile idiosyncratic leaves a comment, @mentions different user, oregon assigns you a task wrong a shared document. On the near broadside of the Home view, Microsoft’s adding a caller Quick entree section, wherever (just similar connected Windows) you tin find and pin your astir frequently-accessed spaces.

Unfortunately, these changes aren’t unrecorded close present — Microsoft says OneDrive Home volition beryllium disposable successful “the coming months.” From what it looks like, though, the caller Home leafage could service arsenic a cardinal hub that should assistance you enactment organized portion collaborating remotely.

Aside from its OneDrive web app, Microsoft is besides rolling retired its photo communicative feature for the OneDrive mobile app (essentially the OneDrive-equivalent to Instagram stories) to users successful Australia. The feature’s not reaching users successful the US oregon different regions until aboriginal this year.

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