3.3 cardinal units sold successful the 3 months ended September 30, 2022.

PlayStation 5 has shipped 25 cardinal units worldwide, Sony announced successful its financial results for the fiscal twelvemonth ended September 30, 2022.

A full of 3.3 cardinal PlayStation 5 units were shipped during the 3 months ended September 30, 2022. The fig of PlayStation 5 shipments matched the aforesaid play the erstwhile fiscal year.

Here are a mates of additional statistics:

  • There are 45.4 cardinal PlayStation Plus subscribers arsenic of September 30, 2022, which is down 1.8 cardinal from the 47.2 cardinal subscribers during the aforesaid play the erstwhile fiscal year.
  • PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 bundle combined sold 62.5 cardinal units during the 3 months ended September 30, 2022, which is down 13.9 cardinal from the 76.4 cardinal bundle sold during the aforesaid play the erstwhile fiscal year. 6.7 cardinal units were first-party titles, which is down 900,000 from to the 7.6 cardinal sold during the aforesaid play the erstwhile fiscal year. 63 percent of bundle income were afloat crippled bundle integer downloads, compared to 62 percent the erstwhile year.