TD Jakes Supports LGBTQ | Denies the Trinity | False teacher exposed

2 years ago 137
TD Jakes is loved by many people in the world and is celebrated by Oprah Winfrey. He is the pastor of a mega church in Texas and has even had his own TV tal...

TD Jakes Supports LGBTQ | Denies the Trinity | False teacher exposed

TD Jakes Supports LGBTQ | Denies the Trinity | False teacher exposed

TD Jakes is loved by many people in the world and is celebrated by Oprah Winfrey.  He is the pastor of a mega church in Texas and has even had his own TV talk show.  He seems to be everywhere today and yet most people don't know what He believes and if it is biblical or not.  TD Jakes denies the trinity, he supports homosexuality and teaches the prosperity and word of faith gospel which are absolutely false.  He is more of a motivational speaker than a pastor because what he teaches is dangerous and unbiblical.

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