The Bachelorette's Men Tell All Episode: How Nate and Logan Explained Themselves

2 years ago 117

Bachelorette's Rachel & Gabby connected Dancing With the Stars?!

Before Gabby and Rachel marque their last decisions, it was clip for their radical of Bachelorette cast-offs to wide the air. 

On the Aug. 29 Men Tell All episode, astir of this season's favourite and astir arguable contenders returned to explicate themselves, spot their exes Gabby and Rachel and, of course, bicker amongst each other. 

But first, determination was 1 last hometown date!

To footwear disconnected the episode, Rachel traveled to Salem, Mass., to sojourn Aven. After a unusual travel to emotion witch named Lorelai (who we're absolutely hoping is the adjacent Bachelorette), Rachel and Aven met his parents for dinner. Despite Rachel having large nerves astir the meeting, Aven's dada A.J. and ma Dawn loved her and Aven ended the nighttime telling Rachel that helium was falling successful emotion with her. Mission accomplished.

With each of the hometowns yet retired of the way, it was clip for the men to reunite and, well, archer all!

Logan, who made waves by switching from Team Rachel to Team Gabby successful the mediate of the season, took the archetypal spot successful the blistery seat.

"I was perpetually battling 2 things," Logan explained astir his arguable decision. "It was maine not wanting to marque these women's journey, which was already truthful difficult, much difficult, versus maine telling my information and pursuing my heart. Those 2 things, unfortunately, got to a spot wherever they conflicted."

ABC/Craig Sjodin

When Logan was asked if helium regretted however it each went down, helium said, "I privation I had done it successful a much graceful mode that didn't impact truthful galore people, but I don't regret pursuing Gabby."

Next up, it was clip for Nate and Gabby to travel face-to-face for the archetypal clip since their affectional break-up successful Amsterdam. Nate, a perceived frontrunner each season, was sent location by Gabby due to the fact that she didn't deliberation she was acceptable to beryllium a stepmother to Nate's six-year-old daughter.

"Every infinitesimal and emotion that I had with Gabby was real," Nate said of their connection. "We some felt it, we experienced it. In past relationships, I can't ever accidental that we had the committedness of, ‘We'll beryllium fellow and girlfriend.' With this, I committed to Gabby arsenic her boyfriend. I walked into it with that lens."

However, determination was acold much for Nate to code than his narration with Gabby. In caller weeks, allegations surfaced that Nate kept his girl a concealed from a pistillate helium was dating for a year-and-a-half.

"I went done a beauteous traumatizing clip erstwhile I went done a divorcement and fundamentally the instauration that was built astir my girl was beauteous overmuch crumbled," Nate said astir the accusations. "The 1 happening that I support astir connected this Earth is my daughter. I would ne'er bring her into a concern I consciousness is dangerous, a concern that I consciousness is unstable. It conscionable made maine enactment a partition up, protecting my girl from the instability of my dating life."

Additionally, Nate addressed abstracted allegations that helium was recently dating 2 women simultaneously—and helium owned up to it.

"I'm profoundly atrocious for the mode that I acted," Nate said. "I should person been much communicative. I should person been much wide successful my intentions. I commune that you forgive the antheral that I was due to the fact that I'm not that aforesaid person."

ABC/Craig Sjodin

When it came clip for Gabby and Rachel to code the men, the sweetest enactment took spot betwixt Rachel and Tyler, whom Rachel sent location earlier she could adjacent conscionable his household during hometown dates.

"I ever did consciousness similar we've ever had specified a large connection. I knew the value of household to Tyler and I knew the level I needed to beryllium astatine that nighttime for him," Rachel further explained. "I didn't deliberation I could get determination successful the end."

Despite being dumped connected the boardwalk and having to very awkwardly archer his household that Rachel wouldn't beryllium walking done the doorway aft all, Tyler isn't holding immoderate grudges.

"It didn't extremity the mode I wanted it to. But I respect what you did and you did it with the astir class," Tyler told Rachel. "Your champion property is being capable to amusement however you consciousness and wearing your bosom connected your sleeve. That's thing I respect truthful much."

Tyler for the adjacent Bachelor, anyone?

When it came clip for host Jesse Palmer to inquire the co-Bachelorettes if they stood by their decision-making passim the season, Gabby couldn't defy answering with immoderate of her signature sarcasm.

"Of course, yeah," Gabby said, "and if I didn't, I would ne'er archer you." 

Find retired however Gabby and Rachel grip the unit down the agelong erstwhile The Bachelorette airs Mondays astatine 8 p.m. connected ABC.

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