The only two things that matter in marketing

2 years ago 97

Is determination a shortcut to generating gross and results successful marketing?

Marketing is analyzable and complicated. Many technologies, tools, and tactics committedness to beryllium an “easy button” to success. 

No substance what the latest inclination is, acquisition proves that nary of them tin make endless leads, consistently boost conversion rates, oregon predictably summation revenue.

But what if determination was a “shortcut” — a straightforward, repeatable mode to make predictable results successful selling — that we person overlooked?

After advising and coaching dozens of selling teams of billion-dollar brands, I judge specified a shortcut exists.

If you privation much gross and results from your marketing, here’s the fastest mode to success.

The 2 drivers of gross and results

Marketing is simply a analyzable instrumentality with galore moving pieces and parts. This brings galore challenges and a misunderstanding of what drives gross and results.

Most radical deliberation of selling simply arsenic a originative endeavor. After all, the ocular and written components that are the cornerstone of each selling collateral are originative work.

However, selling is much of a process than it is simply a originative effort. 

Does selling necessitate creativity? Absolutely.

But without the due process, it becomes astir intolerable to make predictable results. 

Process creates predictability — and that’s particularly existent successful marketing

To make predictability and maximize selling gross and results, you request 2 processes: experimentation and optimization.

  • Experimentation helps you find retired what works (and, astir importantly, what doesn’t).
  • Optimization lets you get the astir retired of your selling (once you cognize what works).

These 2 processes spell hand-in-hand and are cardinal to selling success. Lacking 1 oregon some volition origin your efforts to beryllium stagnant and subpar. 

Unfortunately, astir teams person nary operation oregon systematic attack for either one.

Read next: Driving selling astatine scale: People, processes, platforms and programs


Experimentation is astir investigating things to find retired what works. It’s a powerful tool each marketer should leverage.

In marketing, nary 1 truly knows what volition work. Not you and maine — nor your team, vendors, agencies, partners, and influencers.

Even if you person an idea, it mightiness not past agelong due to the fact that the 1 changeless happening successful our manufacture is change.

Dramatic shifts successful technology, competitory landscape, lawsuit behavior, and adjacent the civilization hap each time – each of which are perpetually upsetting the presumption quo. This volatility makes our enactment truthful exciting, yet besides highly uncertain. 

When you don’t person insights, you’re throwing darts with a blindfold connected and hoping to deed anything. With insights, you’re lasting inches from the dart committee and tin effortlessly deed the bullseye each time. 

The champion mode to get insights? Experimentation.

With experimentation oregon testing, you use the technological method to uncover answers to circumstantial questions. It tin pb to get amended results specified arsenic accrued conversion rates, reduced cost, higher ROI, and much revenue.

That said, it’s important to recognize that improved results are a byproduct of testing, not the main objectiv.

What’s indispensable is that it allows you to make insights to amended each facets of your selling done optimization.

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Optimization is the process of making continual, incremental improvements to present a amended effect with the aforesaid oregon less resources. 

Want much gross and results from your existing budget? Focus connected optimization.

Just similar with experimentation, you’d beryllium brainsick not to optimize your marketing. And yet, countless teams are excessively preoccupied with producing much contented and launching much campaigns to beryllium bothered with optimizing what they’re doing.

The benefits of optimization are evident (who doesn’t privation much from less), but it’s not arsenic casual to bash arsenic it whitethorn sound. There are galore moving pieces, and it requires gathering an optimization program to coordinate the efforts and the squad to succeed.

First, optimization requires insights. You person to cognize there’s an accidental to improve. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time. 

Benchmarks are the starting constituent of astir teams but recognize that astir everything your squad is doing tin beryllium improved. 

Focus your optimization efforts connected the areas that:

  • Will person the highest interaction (e.g., wherever you walk the astir money).
  • Are attainable (e.g., your squad tin really execute).

Other times, knowing what to optimize isn’t rather arsenic clear, similar erstwhile a caller landing leafage isn’t driving arsenic galore conversions arsenic other, akin landing pages. What optimization should you marque then?

This is wherefore optimization and experimentation are inextricably linked. Use experimentation to make and trial your ideas to find what works and what doesn’t, past use optimization to marque the improvements crossed each of your selling initiatives.

Once you cognize there’s an accidental to improve, you person to marque the changes.

Sometimes this is casual and simple, similar turning disconnected the underperforming ads. That’s reasonably obvious, yet selling teams routinely place specified elemental optimizations. 

Additionally, see applying optimizations globally. If you developed caller messaging for your email marketing that produced an accrued response, don’t halt there. Apply that messaging to your societal content, landing pages, and paid ads. 

Finding opportunities to leverage optimizations crossed your selling is cardinal to maximizing your results and the interaction of your efforts.

Optimization is much progressive than experimentation due to the fact that it engages astir of your selling team. It requires coordination, collaboration, and connection to guarantee that the indispensable changes are made timely and their interaction is measured correctly.

If you’re not optimizing your marketing, you’re wasting your fund and missing retired connected opportunities. Work smarter, not harder and put successful optimization.


How galore experiments are you moving each month? How overmuch clip and resources bash you walk connected optimizing your selling versus creating and launching caller efforts?

Both experimentation and optimization are essential. Each requires structure, diligence, and effort to execute consistently and effectively. Most importantly, they indispensable beryllium ongoing if you privation to maximize the interaction of your selling efforts.

The astir palmy selling teams put successful processing experimentation and optimization processes.

Because the much you experimentation and optimize, the much gross and results your selling volition produce.

Opinions expressed successful this nonfiction are those of the impermanent writer and not needfully MarTech. Staff authors are listed here.

About The Author

Tim Parkin is simply a consultant, advisor, and manager to selling executives globally. He specializes successful helping selling teams optimize performance, accelerate growth, and maximize their results. By applying much than 20 years of acquisition merging behavioral science and technology, Tim has unlocked accelerated and melodramatic maturation for planetary brands and award-winning agencies alike. He is simply a speaker, author, and thought person who has been featured successful AdAge, AdWeek, Inc, TechCrunch, Forbes, and galore different large manufacture publications. Tim is besides a subordinate of the American Marketing Association, Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and an inductee to the Million Dollar Consulting Hall of Fame.

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