Tom Felton Takes These Life Lessons From the Harry Potter Movies Wherever He Goes

2 years ago 63

Tom Felton Explains Typical Reunion With Harry Potter Co-Stars

When Tom Felton shows up for work, remainder assured he's not going to be that guy.

"It lone takes 1 thorn to ruin it for everyone," the English histrion told E! News up of the merchandise of his latest film, the World War II thriller Burial. "You person to attraction astir it, you amended cognize your lines, you amended crook up to enactment prepared."

That whitethorn dependable like Professionalism 101, but considering the benignant of behind-the-scenes play that can afflict immoderate movie, the 34-year-old knows he's lucked retired a bit. "You hear stories, fearfulness sets and radical barking orders and shouting," helium said. "I've ne'er had that experience."

So, helium consciously tries to behaviour himself a definite way. And yes, they thatch you that astatine Hogwarts.

"We surely learned from the champion successful the business," Felton, conscionable 12 erstwhile helium was formed arsenic nonmigratory mean boy Draco Malfoy, said of the Harry Potter series' world-class ensemble. "And I don't conscionable mean the prime of their acting. I mean much however they held themselves, however they interacted with each other—how you speech to everyone, really. That was the astir important part."

Can Nguyen/Shutterstock

But to each procreation its challenges, and the COVID-19 pandemic threw adjacent the astir seasoned moviemakers for a loop. Felton recalled accumulation connected Burial getting underway when casts and crews were inactive inching backmost to enactment aft months-long delays.

Being "masked up to our eyeballs and not allowed to spell anyplace adjacent each other" made filming "slightly trickier," helium said, but "we were successful a comparatively distant country and besides mostly shooting outdoors, truthful we had a batch of things successful our favor." 

With the the Estonian countryside lasting successful for the Eastern Front, Felton plays a deserter from the German army who, successful a twist of it's-certainly-possible humanities fiction, ends up aiding a small band of Soviet soldiers who've been tasked with stealthily transporting Hitler's assemblage backmost to Russia successful the outpouring of 1945.

Courtesy of IFC Midnight

After being "hooked" by writer-director Ben Parker's script, Felton besides had idiosyncratic reasons for wanting to instrumentality connected the role.

"I'm fascinated by World War II," helium continued, "especially the information that it was truthful recent. My grandparents were digging trenches astatine 19 years old, portion I played a wizard for fractional my life. The opposites are truthful acold apart, it's rather remarkable. And I felt a immense passionateness to privation to grant the radical that gave their lives and sacrificed everything for america to beryllium capable to beryllium connected a Zoom telephone and bask films."

And, 1 mightiness add, person the clip to compile memories and constitute a book. Beyond the Wand: The Magic & Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard will beryllium retired successful October, and Felton knows fans "will get a monolithic footwear retired of it."

Consistently amazed however Harry Potter has "seeped into each country of the world" but admittedly skeptical about committing to an full publication based connected his experiences, helium gives recognition to the household and friends who encouraged him to constitute everything down implicit the years—just successful case.

"Twiddling my thumbs during the pandemic helped, and the [20th anniversary] reunion helped definitely, sparking memories," helium shared. "You thin to hide bits and pieces. It's lone recently—very recently, really—that I considered it to beryllium worthy of a book. But we got it to a spot wherever I'm ace arrogant of it."

Further making the astir of that Zoom call, Felton besides talked to E! New about why seeing his Harry Potter co-stars is inactive truthful special, his never-ending appreciation for the fandom and the perks of doing theatre for a change:

E! News: What was moving with specified immense stars truthful aboriginal successful your vocation connected the Harry Potter films truly like? 

Tom Felton: We were precise overmuch untrained kids—and we were trained by the extremity of it. It's bloody intimidating if Ralph Fiennes or Jason Isaacs walks onto the set, and they're truthful assured successful what they're doing. Luckily, we were young capable astatine that clip wherever we didn't adjacent cognize who they were! When Richard Harris is saying benignant words, we've got nary thought who Richard Harris is! So it's been a truly beauteous acquisition reveling successful however casual and disarming that they each were—the astir ordinary, down-to-earth radical you could perchance imagine. Being surrounded by the best—and I don't mean prime of their work, I mean prime of their personalities—I similar to deliberation that I've stolen, oregon borrowed, immoderate of that implicit the years.

Warner Bros.

E!: Only truthful galore actors tin subordinate to the level of fandom you and your co-stars experience. Is that portion of what bonds you together—that you each get it?

TF: There's decidedly an constituent of that. But it's singular however mean everyone is. Honestly, when we each get together there's a 60-second, British, awkward "Hello, however are you?" "Yes, hello, we're good." And past we conscionable gaffe consecutive backmost into being the radical that we were before, trading warfare stories. I deliberation it's a batch much amusive to bask it unneurotic than it is to bask it separately. 

E!: What bash your fans person to look guardant to from your book, Beyond the Wand?

TF: It sounds similar a truly cheesy happening to say, but I tin spoil it for everyone now: The archetypal leafage says, "This is dedicated to each the fans that got maine here." I'm truthful grateful for everyone's support, and I genuinely deliberation the fans volition get a immense footwear retired of this, due to the fact that there's a batch of worldly that hasn't been said oregon talked about. 

E!: Looking backmost present portion you were putting the publication together, did you person immoderate consciousness of Draco's eventual arc aboriginal on?

TF: Absolutely not. As a 13-year-old kid I was reasoning astir stealing my brother's BB gun, I wasn't reasoning astir an arc of immoderate character. But I was precise comfy playing the slimy git for 5 films. I ne'er expected him to person a redemption—not that helium does. But I similar to deliberation I've made a decent effort to bring popularity to Slytherin, oregon surely acceptance. We did the Potter test, my household and I, to settee it erstwhile and for all. I tin clarify that I did get Slytherin, convey the heavens! But 4 retired of 5 of them were Hufflepuff. I was distraught.

Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

E!: And congratulations on your play, 2:22 A Ghost Story. How do you stay successful carnal and intelligence signifier during what must, astatine times, consciousness similar moving a marathon?

TF: I fto Willow my canine bash the taking attraction of, she does astir of the hard work. I conscionable look aft the house. But it's been 1 of the astir astonishing experiences of my life. We've got 8 shows near and past that volition beryllium it, 140, 150-odd shows. I can't deliberation astir it logically 'cause I'll conscionable burst into tears. It's a wholly caller discipline—for me, it's the closest happening to a 9 to 5 arsenic possible. Every different happening I've ever done has taken maine distant from location for constricted stints of clip and past benignant of plunked maine back, for a fewer months oregon a fewer weeks, past taken maine retired again. Which is not large for household life. My canine doesn't admit it. 

E!: What person you enjoyed astir astir doing theater?

TF: Usually you get a fewer hours to sound retired a scene, oregon a fewer days if you're lucky, but to walk 17 weeks with conscionable this 1 portion of enactment and truly trying to get it right—it's been highly enjoyable. I'm truly arrogant of each the Potter fans that I've managed to lure into the theater. I deliberation there's been a batch of radical that astir apt didn't expect to bask it arsenic overmuch arsenic they did. Or arsenic overmuch arsenic I did—I saw it 5 times earlier I was successful it. I thought that was fractional the crushed I got the relation [laughs], but seemingly not.

(This interrogation was edited for magnitude and clarity.)

Burial is successful theaters present and disposable connected VOD/digital. Beyond the Wand volition beryllium connected U.K. shelves Oct. 13 with much merchandise dates to follow. And you tin drawback each 8 Harry Potter films streaming connected Peacock.

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