What every marketer needs to know about programmatic advertising

1 year ago 60

This twelvemonth programmatic integer show advertisement spending volition deed $115.23 billion, and much than 90% of each integer show advertisement dollars volition transact programmatically, according to eMarketer.


Because it tin present everything accepted media advertisement buying can’t and more.

Traditional media ads can’t measurement the existent ROI of media campaigns successful real-time. They don’t fto you pinpoint what makes an advertisement and a run successful. Was it the creative? The copy? Where it ran? When it ran? Who saw it? Without this there’s nary mode to optimize the advertisement and effort retired antithetic iterations. 

Traditional media advertisement buying is simply a time- and labor-intensive process. It requires RFPs, tenders, quotes and negotiations. It requires creating and distributing carnal versions of materials. All of this drives the terms up.

Programmatic advertizing gives you each those good, actionable insights into run performance. It does this portion letting you people your ads to precisely the assemblage you’re looking for. And it does this successful a much efficient, automated marketplace with acold little costs.

So here’s what you request to cognize astir programmatic advertising.

What is programmatic advertising?

Simply put, it’s the automated buying and selling of integer advertizing space. 

It uses algorithms and AI to tally real-time auctions wherever ads are bought and placed astatine the aforesaid clip arsenic a visitant loads a website. Any and each integer formats and channels are disposable done these automated marketplaces. Programmatic advertizing is present being utilized to merchantability advertisement abstraction for CTV, integer vigor and integer retired of location (DOOH). 

How does programmatic advertizing work?

  1. When a idiosyncratic clicks connected a website, the site’s proprietor uses a Supply-Side Platform (SSP) to notify 1 oregon aggregate Ad-Exchanges to enactment the advertisement abstraction up for auction.
  2. Advertisers usage a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) – either via an bureau oregon straight – to connection bids. The DSP is connected to a information absorption level (DMP) which ensures the placement targets the close audience. It does this by taking a assortment of factors into account, including location, demographics, idiosyncratic behaviour and online activity. There is besides contextual targeting, which uses website contented — including text, keywords, images and categories — to trigger an advertisement purchase.
  3. The winning bidder’s advertisement is served connected the site. 

All this takes spot successful hundredths of a second.

Programmatic advertisement buying is besides utilized for CTV, integer vigor and out-of-home (OOH) advertising.

Programmatic is simply a spot antithetic for OOH, which doesn’t person online’s one-to-one targeting capability. Instead, an OOH run tin put it truthful advertisement abstraction is programmatically purchased whenever definite conditions are met. For example, a crockery institution volition acceptable a bargain bid for erstwhile the somesthesia drops beneath a definite level. Or an allergy medicine tin person a bargain bid acceptable for erstwhile pollen levels roseate successful definite geographic areas.

  • An advertisement web is simply a level connected to a definite fig of websites, offering inventory for advertisers connected those sites.
  • An advertisement speech is simply a trading level wherever advertisers spell to bargain advertisement abstraction from aggregate advertisement networks.

Types of programmatic advertising

Because of the velocity of the full process it is referred to arsenic Real-Time Bidding (RTB). Although the overwhelming bulk of automated advertisement buying is RTB, determination are different methods. 

  • Programmatic nonstop is buying a guaranteed fig of advertisement impressions connected circumstantial websites oregon from selected publishers. While this assures advertisement abstraction connected circumstantial steadfast sites, it isn’t arsenic bully erstwhile it comes to assemblage targeting. Programmatic nonstop is usually utilized for premium, ample format ads similar full-page takeovers. It is much often a fixed-price statement alternatively than an auction.
  • Private marketplaces are invitation-only markets wherever a acceptable fig of publishers invitation circumstantial advertisers to bid connected their advertisement inventory. This allows the advertiser to bypass advertisement exchanges and person their buying level plugged straight into the publisher’s inventory.
  • Preferred woody is a one-on-one programmatic auction wherever publishers merchantability premium inventory astatine a acceptable CPM terms to a selected fig of advertisers. These advertisers bid successful real-time astatine oregon supra the fixed CPM price. 

How large is the programmatic advertizing market?


In 2021, US marketers unsocial spent $167 cardinal connected each types of programmatic advertising, according to Statista. The world-wide spending connected programmatic advertizing is projected to deed $314 cardinal by 2026, per Technavio.  

In the U.S., programmatic integer show advertisement spending is projected to relationship for $115.23 cardinal successful advertisement dollars successful 2022, making up 90.2% of the integer show advertisement market, according to eMarketer.

  • By 2026, 86% of wide integer advertizing gross volition travel from programmatic ads (Statista).
  • Next twelvemonth programmatic integer show volition marque up 91% of each US integer show advertisement walk (InsiderIntelligence).
  • In 2023, programmatic video advertizing walk volition beryllium much than treble what it was successful 2020 (InsiderIntelligence).
  • US connected TV programmatic show advertisement walk volition scope a grounds $8.88 cardinal successful 2022 (Statista).
  • US programmatic integer vigor advertisement walk volition surpass $1 cardinal for the archetypal clip ever successful 2022 (Statista).
  • US programmatic integer retired of location advertisement spending is acceptable to scope $533.8 cardinal successful this year. (InsiderIntelligence).

What are the advantages of programmatic advertising?

Traditional media buying is simply a labour and clip intensive process requiring everything from requests-for-proposals to negotiations to manual insertions of the orders. Programmatic is automated and efficient.

Other benefits include:

  • Scale. Advertisers tin scope ample audiences by purchasing advertisement abstraction from immoderate advertisement inventory disposable programmatically. Publishers person entree to a immense excavation of buyers.
  • Insights. Provides real-time information and precocious reporting astir advertisement placements and performance, making it casual to rapidly optimize campaigns.
  • Targeting. An advertiser’s fund tin beryllium enactment to amended usage and spent much efficiently by targeting the radical astir apt to bargain their product.‍
  • Efficiency. The process is faster and little costly than older methods. Access to a ample excavation of publishers means advertisers tin get a amended ROI.
  • Revenue. Optimizes the bidding process, truthful publishers and advertisers get the champion terms possible. 
  • Ease of use. Automation makes buying ads and selling advertisement inventory a elemental process with debased overhead.

How overmuch does it cost?

Programmatic advertizing costs tin alteration due to the fact that they are priced by outgo per 1,000 advertisement impressions. This is called CPM — outgo per mille (mille is French for thousand).

The much circumstantial the targeting, the higher the cost. Other things influencing the terms include: 

  • Type of industry. 
  • Targeted device.
  • Ad format.
  • Ad placement connected the page.

On average, programmatic CPMs thin to beryllium little costly than societal media advertizing and tin connection importantly amended worth than offline advertising. 

Retail media networks are networks owned by a circumstantial retailer wherever brands tin bargain programmatic advertising for inventory connected their website, apps and different integer properties, including in-store. It besides lets them tally ads connected the unfastened web. Retailers tin spouse with media companies and springiness brands expanded scope and improved targeting with the usage of in-depth shopper data.

The 9 largest U.S. brick-and-mortar retail media networks are (in order) Walmart, Target, Kroger, Best Buy, Home Depot, Macy’s, Ulta, CVS and Walgreens. 

One-quarter of retailers are generating much than $100 cardinal successful gross from their media networks, according to Forrester. That’s made these networks a crippled changer for galore retailers — and a imaginable lifeline successful a worsening economy. Retail nett margins thin to beryllium slim — successful the 3% to 4% range. The borderline connected advertisement income is usually 70% to 90%, according to BCG. And income are precise good.

Dig deeper: Lowe’s and Yahoo squad up for retail media partnership

According to MediaRadar:

  • In the 8 months from May 1, 2021 to the extremity of January successful 2022, much than 23,500 companies bought ads connected retail media networks. 
  • 14% bought ads each month; the retention complaint from December to January was 59%.
  • 24% of the companies advertizing successful January 2022 were first-time buyers. 

Furthermore, the retail media marketplace volition turn by 25% per twelvemonth to $100 cardinal implicit the adjacent 5 years and volition relationship for implicit 25% of full integer media spending by 2026, according to BCG. Also important: This is caller gross for retailers. Per BCG: 60% to 70% of the projected $100 cardinal successful 2026 retail media gross volition beryllium nett caller spending implicit and supra humanities commercialized dollars. 

What are the problems with programmatic advertising?

While programmatic whitethorn look to beryllium a occurrence cure for each selling needs, it isn’t. There are precise existent problems with it, including information accuracy, collusion by advertisement sellers and buyers, and click fraud.

Third-party cooky depreciation

Programmatic advertisement targeting is lone arsenic bully arsenic the information it’s based on. For now, overmuch of that information is collected via third-party cookies. How overmuch longer that volition beryllium the lawsuit is anyone’s guess. There are strict restrictions connected them successful the EU, and Apple users indispensable instrumentality the measurement of approving their use. Their decease knell volition travel erstwhile and if Google ever decides to restrict their use. While they’ve talked astir doing this, any enactment keeps getting kicked down the road.

There are a batch of workarounds if it does travel to pass, but they are expected to marque information and ads that beryllium connected information much expensive.

Dig deeper: Digital out-of-home branches retired with programmatic


Ten states person filed a lawsuit against Google and Facebook genitor institution Meta charging them with colluding to unit retired contention successful the online advertizing sector. Google is besides nether probe by the Department of Justice implicit different acceptable of antitrust issues. That probe focuses connected allegations the institution is exploiting its presumption arsenic broker and auctioneer of integer advertising. 

“The conflicts of involvement are truthful glaring that 1 Google worker described Google’s advertisement concern arsenic being similar ‘if Goldman oregon Citibank owned the NYSE,’” said Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). Lee is co-sponsor of a measure to unit the institution to divest its adtech business.


Programmatic advertisement fraud is simply a big, well-known occupation that nary 1 seems funny successful fixing. Just look astatine these numbers:

  • $23 billion: Expected U.S. advertisement walk mislaid to fraud this year. (Juniper Research)
  • $100 million: Amount per time U.S. companies are expected to beryllium losing to advertizing fraud successful 2024, an summation of 125% since 2018. (TrafficGuard)
  • 38%: Amount of web postulation that is automated/bots. (Imperva)
  • 24%: Amount of web postulation that bots utilized for fraud and theft. (Imperva)
  • 14%: Average clicks from fake sources successful each paid hunt campaign. (ClickCease)
  • $1: Amount mislaid to fraud retired of each $3 spent by advertisers. (Interceptd)
  • $5: Amount a botnet proprietor is charging per 1000 clicks. (ClickCease)
  • 73%: Number of U.S. businesses saying advertisement fraud is simply a occupation for them. (Netacea)

You would deliberation that, fixed these costs, idiosyncratic would effort to cleanable up the situation. In an interrogation with MarTech, cybersecurity and anti-ad fraud advisor Augustine Fou, explained wherefore this is improbable to happen. 

“The advertisers who are paying the money, they privation to bargain hundreds of billions of advertisement impressions,” Fou said. “You can’t bargain that overmuch quantity without the fraud. Most humans sojourn a tiny quantity of sites repeatedly. That’s wherever you get the ample quantities of quality audiences.  When you get into the agelong tail, there’s conscionable not capable humans to make that galore advertisement impressions. The lone mode to bash that is by utilizing bot enactment to repeatedly load the web pages and origin ads to load. As a result, fundamentally each middleman, each advertisement exchange, each steadfast has incentives to usage much fraud. So that’s wherefore I said advertisement fraud has not been solved due to the fact that cipher wants to lick it. Even the advertisers, adjacent the mediate men. Everyone wants it to proceed due to the fact that they’re making money.”

Five keys to programmatic advertizing success

1: Targeting and segmentation

Programmatic advertizing is designed to get your connection successful beforehand of the close radical astatine the close time. However, it needs you to find who and erstwhile that is. Strong assemblage targeting is the astir important portion of a palmy programmatic advertisement campaign. 

Targeting lets you scope high-value prospects and exclude non-performing ones, thereby getting the astir retired of your advertisement buy. You bash this by segmenting users into circumstantial audiences based connected predefined criteria. 

This means you person to bash a batch of heavy probe into your people assemblage before doing immoderate readying for your campaign. 

2: Personalization

Programmatic lets you beryllium precise circumstantial astir who you reach, truthful your ads request to beryllium designed specifically for those people. They indispensable beryllium highly applicable and customized with the close originative and messaging circumstantial to your people audience. This volition get you the higher conversion rates and amended ROI which specify success.

Data-driven oregon data-responsive creatives tin assistance you bash this. They usage instrumentality learning to find retired which variations of an advertisement volition person the astir entreaty for a circumstantial user. 

Don’t hide astir contextual targeting! You should usage a assortment of advertisement types for your contextual targeting campaign. Video ads, autochthonal ads and behavioral ads person been recovered to beryllium apical performers..

3: Essential metrics

  • Cost per Click (CPC): Look for advertisement suppliers whose terms is successful your perfect CPC range. Make a preferred database of those sites and an exclusion database of those vendors extracurricular your CPC range.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR): Put the sites delivering bully CTR connected a preferred database and summation the magnitude you are consenting to bid for their inventory. Either artifact little performing sites oregon find if there’s a debased capable terms to warrant utilizing them.
  • Cost per Completed View (CPCV): Again, make a database of sites that are gathering your desired CPCV and artifact those extracurricular that range. 

4: Making it multi-channel 

Your ads are going to tally connected galore antithetic channels and galore antithetic devices. Use attribution models to measurement the show connected each of those. 

Setting up an attribution exemplary — past touch, multi-touch oregon linear — for your run means this volition beryllium measured connected each platforms, adjacent extracurricular programmatic. This volition assistance you measure show connected each abstracted level and for the full campaign.

Correctly attributing conversion recognition lets you spot which campaigns are doing good and which aren’t. That, successful turn, lets you cognize which campaigns you should tally much and which ones request to beryllium reworked oregon ended. 

Also, beryllium definite each creatives are optimized for each channels and devices. What looks large connected YouTube connected a tablet whitethorn beryllium a messiness to idiosyncratic utilizing TikTok connected their phone.

5: Frequency caps

Repetition gets aged fast. Seeing the aforesaid ads implicit and implicit tin origin adjacent the champion originative to go annoying. The solution is analyzing show and implementing frequence caps.  

These fto you power the fig of impressions for circumstantial users connected a monthly, play oregon hourly basis. By analyzing this information you tin place antithetic users cross-channel and past forestall them from being deed with the aforesaid advertisement everyplace they look.

This besides helps you fund much efficiently by redirecting impressions from 1 idiosyncratic to another. When 1 idiosyncratic hits the content bounds connected a peculiar ad, you tin redirect to a antithetic user. 

This gets your advertisement successful beforehand of much of your people assemblage without expanding advertisement spend. 

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About The Author

Constantine von Hoffman is managing exertion of MarTech. A seasoned journalist, Con has covered business, finance, selling and tech for CBSNews.com, Brandweek, CMO, and Inc. He has been metropolis exertion of the Boston Herald, quality shaper astatine NPR, and has written for Harvard Business Review, Boston Magazine, Sierra, and galore different publications. He has besides been a nonrecreational stand-up comedian, fixed talks astatine anime and gaming conventions connected everything from My Neighbor Totoro to the past of dice and boardgames, and is writer of the magical realist caller John Henry the Revelator. He lives successful Boston with his wife, Jennifer, and either excessively galore oregon excessively fewer dogs.

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