What The Crown Got Right (and Wrong) About Queen Elizabeth II's Life

2 years ago 46

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There's nary denying that Queen Elizabeth II's bequest lives on.

The British monarch, who died Sept. 8, was honored with a ceremonial work Sept. 19 that captured the world's attention. Royal household members, international leaders and countless devoted subjects turned retired for the work at Westminster Abbey, proving that the precocious queen volition not beryllium forgotten immoderate clip soon.

This isn't surprising, arsenic Elizabeth was the longest-reigning British monarch after 70 years connected the throne. And, implicit the people of those 7 decades, the monarch witnessed everything from governmental strife and economical recessions to the emergence of technology. So, it's nary wonderment that her long reign inspired Netflix's Emmy-winning bid The Crown.

And portion the play play has fixed those extracurricular The Firm a person look astatine Queen Elizabeth's fascinating world, it is inactive a melodramatic retelling of her life. Albeit, 1 of the precocious queen's grandsons, Prince Harry, admitted to immoderate of its accuracies.

Last year, helium told James Corden that the amusement gives viewers a "rough thought about" royal life, adding, "What that lifestyle, what the pressures of putting work and work supra household and everything else, what tin travel from that."

As we observe Queen Elizabeth's illustrious reign pursuing her death, we're besides figuring retired what is information and what is fabrication connected The Crown

For instance, as depicted onscreen, determination was an iconic First Lady of the United States that snubbed her chemoreceptor astatine the queen's benignant and location (a.k.a the expansive Buckingham Palace). But did it really substance a transatlantic feud? Oh, and person you ever wondered astir the queen's precise adjacent relationship with Porchey (known as Henry Herbert the 7th Earl of Carnarvon to those extracurricular the royal circle)? We've got the reply for you below.


Wrong: Elizabeth and Philip's Wedding

The cleanable nuptials portrayed successful play 1 of The Crown wasn't wholly accurate. For starters, Prince Philip's mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, didn't amusement up to the wedding dressed arsenic a nun. Instead, the princess, who aboriginal founded the Christian Sisterhood of Martha and Mary, wore a silk gown to the royal event.

Additionally, Elizabeth had respective wardrobe malfunctions, including a breached tiara, a forgotten pearl necklace and a missing bridal bouquet.


Right: How Elizabeth Learned About Her Father's Death

Elizabeth was so overseas successful Kenya erstwhile her father, George VI, passed distant successful 1952 pursuing a conflict with lung cancer. While The Crown dramatizes the events of the King's passing, making it look similar the royal household were unaware however terrible his unwellness was, it's existent that Elizabeth was having the escapade of a beingness erstwhile she became queen.

Elizabeth and Philip were staying astatine the famed Treetops Hotel erstwhile quality broke of the King's death. According to The Guardian, Philip learned of the decease from a reporter, and relayed the news to his woman aboriginal successful the day. The Crown besides accurately showed that a achromatic formal had to beryllium brought onto Elizabeth's level successful London, arsenic she hadn't packed 1 for her trip.


Right: Elizabeth and Philip's On Camera Fight

All couples fight, adjacent the Queen and Prince Philip.

In play one, Elizabeth and Philip, exhausted from their grueling royal circuit of Australia, find themselves successful a bickering match. Though this whitethorn look similar a dramatized speech betwixt the 2 royals, the brace really fought connected this tour. Per Fox News, royal adept Ingrid Seward elaborate successful her book, Prince Philip Revealed, "Their tempers were precise frayed...This movie unit was lasting extracurricular their small vacation villa. The adjacent happening they knew, Prince Philip appeared connected the balcony, followed by a tennis racket and a brace of tennis shoes thrown astatine his head. The queen came retired and shouted astatine him to travel back. She past grabbed [Philip] and dragged him backmost inside."

However, it wasn't Elizabeth who asked for the footage back. The royal property caput did. Although, it's said the queen did convey the unit for their discretion.


Wrong: Queen Elizabeth's Disapproval of Peter Townsend

Yes, Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend weren't escaped to wed erstwhile they archetypal fell successful love, but it wasn't Queen Elizabeth that stood successful the mode of their blessed ending. In The Crown, the queen is forced to archer her sister that if she marries the divorced Group Captain, she'd nary longer beryllium a subordinate of the royal family.

However, per the BBC, papers made disposable by the National Archives amusement that Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden drafted a program which allowed Princess Margaret to marry Townsend portion besides keeping her royal rubric and duties. The lone requirement? She had to relinquish her succession rights.

Sadly, aft having to hold truthful agelong to marry, the romance ran its people and the Princess and the Group Captain went their abstracted ways.


Right: The Queen's Friendship With Porchey

Prince Philip wasn't the lone antheral successful Queen Elizabeth's life.

We're, of course, referring to Henry Herbert, who was fixed the nickname Porchey having grown up with the courtesy title Lord Porchester, arsenic helium was the heir to the Earl of Carnarvon title. (Fun fact: Porchey lived astatine Highclere Castle, which is present known for being the main property in Downton Abbey.)

In The Crown, the queen and Porchey person a agelong lasting relationship acknowledgment to their shared emotion of horses and the countryside. While Philip's jealousy of Porchey is unfounded successful The Crown, arsenic Elizabeth lone ever had eyes for her husband, the amusement correctly depicted however adjacent the queen and earl were. 

"It was a precise adjacent relationship ranging implicit galore interests," Porchey's lad George Herbert told The Telegraph. "They were from the aforesaid generation. They had been done the war. They shared a large emotion of the countryside and wildlife arsenic good arsenic horses. Whether they were walking astatine Sandringham, Highclere oregon successful Scotland, it was ever a large obsession."


Right and Wrong: Jackie Kennedy's Visit to Buckingham Palace

Did Jackie Kennedy truly insult the queen? The abbreviated answer: Sort of.

Season 2 of The Crown depicted the highly anticipated accomplishment of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy. Though the queen and the archetypal woman seemed to get on successful their archetypal visit, Elizabeth aboriginal learned that Jackie badmouthed her and the palace, which she called "second-rate, dilapidated and sad."

While there's nary impervious that the archetypal woman outright insulted the British monarch, author Carolyn Harris told NBC News "there is immoderate grounds that Jacqueline Kennedy was captious of Buckingham Palace and the Queen." According to Harris, photographer Cecil Beaton said that Mrs. Kennedy was "unimpressed with the palace furnishings and the Queen's comparatively old-fashioned wardrobe and hairstyle."

Now did this rivalry animate the queen to get progressive with overseas argumentation (a.k.a dancing with President Nkrumah of Ghana)? Unlikely, arsenic Harris added, "There is nary grounds that the Queen traveled to Ghana successful the aftermath of a rivalry."


Right: The Aberfan Tragedy

Not visiting Aberfan sooner whitethorn beryllium the queen's biggest regret.

Season 3 of The Crown took a person look astatine the 1966 Aberfan disaster, which killed 116 children and 28 adults. And, arsenic depicted successful the show, the queen did hold 8 days earlier visiting the catastrophe zone, arsenic she didn't privation to beryllium a distraction to rescue workers.

Per biographer Sally Bechdel Smith, who wrote Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch, the monarch said, "People volition beryllium looking aft me. Perhaps they'll miss immoderate mediocre kid that mightiness person been recovered nether the wreckage."

One inaccuracy from this episode? The Crown suggests that the queen feigned her emotion erstwhile visiting Aberfan, choosing to interruption down privately astatine home. However, respective eye-witnesses callback the queen getting teary-eyed astatine the calamity site.

Jeff Edwards, a subsister of the disaster, said successful a 2002 interrogation with the South Wales Echo, "When she did get she was visibly upset and the radical of Aberfan appreciated her being here."


Right: The Royal Family Documentary

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Season 3 of The Crown showed Prince Philip, erstwhile again, pushing the royal household into the aboriginal by pitching the thought of a documentary. This royal household documentary did so hap for BBC and ITV successful 1969, and was expected to humanize the often untouchable British royals.

While the task was a success, with 40 cardinal worldwide tuning in, critics felt the documentary contradicted the constituent of the monarchy: to beryllium the embodiment of morality for the British people. And so, the queen locked the movie distant successful 1970. Robert Lacey, a humanities advisor for The Crown, told ABC's The Story of the Royals, "They realized that if they did thing similar that excessively often, they would cheapen themselves, letting the magic seep out."


Wrong: the Queen's Meeting With Michael Fagan

No, the queen didn't person a heart-to-heart with Michael Fagan aft helium broke into Buckingham Palace for the 2nd time. Season 4 of The Crown examined Fagan's infamous interruption and 1 country stood retired supra the rest: Queen Elizabeth speaking with Fagan astir the authorities of the country.

While it made for a bully story, the in-depth speech ne'er happened. Fagan told The Independent, "She went past maine and ran retired of the room; her small bare feet moving crossed the floor."

Seasons 1 done 4 of The Crown are disposable to watercourse connected Netflix.

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