Why Tia Mowry Is Unapologetically Embracing Her Gray Hair

2 years ago 113

Tia Mowry Opens Up About Witnessing Her Father's White Privilege

Tia Mowry is sharing the benignant of quality advice you'd privation to person from your sister, sister.

The erstwhile Disney Channel prima opened up astir why she's unapologetically embracing her gray hairs, which she said didn't truly "come successful heavy" until she reached her 40s. 

"There are truthful galore radical connected a regular ground that are not making it to the property wherever their hairsbreadth starts to gray," she wrote in an effort for InStyle published connected Aug. 31. "And truthful erstwhile I spot my grey hair, it really is simply a blessing due to the fact that it means that, yes, I'm getting older and I'm inactive here."

She emphasized, "I don't instrumentality that lightly — I really, truly don't."

"For the women who are struggling with going grey and getting older," the 44-year-old added, "the proposal I would springiness is to commencement embracing oregon allowing your vigor and the radical successful your abstraction to beryllium supportive."

Having a enactment strategy is crucial, Tia noted, explaining that they will be there to champion you connected your beauty journey.

"It's truthful important to absorption connected the radical astir you who are supporting you to turn aged gracefully," she encouraged, "as opposed to those who don't."


According to the Family Reunion star, determination person been moments successful her vocation wherever she felt pressured to look a definite way.

"When I was a child, I was surrounded by European standards," she revealed. "What nine said quality was, oregon what quality was expected to be, oregon what quality looked like, is each based connected that. So increasing up, determination were conscionable nary visuals oregon practice of idiosyncratic who looked similar me—Black miss with curly hair."

"That antagonistic narration with my hairsbreadth went connected for a precise agelong time," she admitted, "until Instagram deed the country successful the 2010s. I started to spot much girls similar me."

She continued, "There was this astonishing assemblage of curly girls, and conscionable Black women celebrating each the assorted textures and colors of their hairsbreadth astatine each age. It changed my position connected what quality really was and however it could beryllium defined."

Later successful life, erstwhile someone suggested Tia alteration herself for a role, she was assured capable to accidental no.

"Maybe astir 4 oregon 5 years ago, I was moving connected a film, and idiosyncratic connected acceptable told me, 'You truly request to screen those grey hairs! Girls shouldn't beryllium seen that way,'" she recalled. "And I said, 'No. I'm going to support my grey hair. This is normal, this is what happens.'"

She continued, "Because astatine the extremity of the day, nary substance what the trends are oregon what radical archer maine astir however I should look, I specify what quality is for me. And for me, quality is confidence, quality is feeling bully astir yourself, quality is embracing each of your flaws, and quality is aging."

Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for The Hollywood Reporter

"Now, it's a celebration," she enactment it simply. "I americium celebrating my uniqueness, I americium celebrating who I americium astatine each signifier of my life."

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