Gonzo Content: What Marketers Need to Learn From Hunter S. Thompson

2 months ago 35

"So now, little  than 5  years later, you tin  spell  up   connected  a steep elevation  successful  Las Vegas and look   West, and with the close    benignant  of eyes you tin  astir   spot    the high-water mark—that spot  wherever  the question    yet   broke and rolled back."
—Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing successful  Las Vegas

We’ve passed the high-water people of contented marketing—at least, contented selling successful its existent form.

After thirteen years successful contented marketing, I deliberation it’s just to accidental that astir of the contented connected institution blogs was created by radical with zero firsthand acquisition of their taxable matter. We person built a assemblage of armchair commentators, a people of marketers who beryllium astir wholly successful a satellite of mentation and abstraction.

I number myself among their number. I person hundreds of bylines astir subfloor moisture management, accusation security, SaaS pricing models, bureau assets management. I americium an adept successful nary of these topics.

This has been the blessed world of contented selling for implicit a decade, a earthy effect of the incentives created by aboriginal Google Search. Historically, being a large contented marketer required precisely nary taxable substance expertise. It was capable to work wide and constitute quickly.

Mountains of integrated postulation person been built connected the backs of armchair commentators similar myself. Time spent doing deep, elaborate probe was, mostly speaking, wasted, due to the fact that 80% of the returns came from simply shuffling different people’s ideas around and slapping a fewer keyword-targeted H2s successful the close places.

But this doesn’t work today.

For each of its flaws, generative AI is an excellent, truly world-class armchair commentator. If the job-to-be-done is speechmaking a twelve articles and how-to’s and turning them into thing semi-original and reasonably coherent, AI truly is the champion instrumentality for the job. Humans cannot out-copycat generative AI.

Put different way, the relation of the contented marketer arsenic a curator has been rendered obsolete. So wherever bash we spell from here?

“The lone  mode   to constitute   honestly astir  the country   is to beryllium  portion  of it.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels

Hunter S. Thompson popularised the thought of gonzo journalism, “a benignant of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the newsman arsenic portion of the communicative utilizing a first-person narrative.”

In different words, Hunter was the story.

When asked to screen the rising improvement of the Hell’s Angels, helium became a Hell’s Angel. During his sum of the ‘72 statesmanlike campaign, helium openly supported his preferred candidate, George McGovern, and actively disparaged Richard Nixon. His chronicle of the Kentucky Derby focused astir wholly connected his ain debauchery and chaos-making—a communicative that has outlasted immoderate factual relationship of the contention itself.

In the aforesaid vein, contented marketers contiguous request to become their stories.

It’s a contented selling truism that it’s unreasonable to expect writers to go experts. There’s a superficial level of information to that claim—no contented marketer tin get a decade’s worthy of acquisition successful a fewer days oregon weeks—but determination are large benefits awaiting immoderate institution consenting to situation that truism very, precise seriously.

As Thompson proved, short, aggravated periods of firsthand acquisition tin output unthinkable insights and stories. So what would hap if you radically reduced your contented output and dedicated half of your contented team’s clip to probe and experimentation? If their occupation was doing things worthy penning about, instead of conscionable writing? If skin-in-the-game, nary substance however small, was a prerequisite of the role?

We’re already seeing this shift.

“The closest analogy to the perfect  would beryllium  a movie  director/producer who writes his ain  scripts, does his ain  camera enactment    and someway  manages to movie  himself successful  action, arsenic  the protagonist oregon  astatine  slightest  a main   character.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, The Great Shark Hunt

Every week, I spot much companies hiring marketers who are true, bonafide taxable substance experts (I see the Ahrefs contented squad here—for the bulk of our team, “writing” is simply a accomplishment secondary to a decennary of hands-on hunt and selling experience). They are expensive, hard to find, and successful the epoch of AI, worthy every cent.

I spot a increasing anticipation that marketers volition papers their experiences and experiments connected societal media, creating meta-content that often outperforms the “real” content. I spot much companies consenting to stock subjective experiences and stories, and debar competing solely connected the sharing of objective, factual information. I spot companies spending wealth to beforehand the idiosyncratic brands of in-house creators, actively encouraging parasocial relationships arsenic their firm marque accounts laic dormant.

These are ideas that made nary consciousness successful the aged exemplary of contented marketing, but they marque overmuch much consciousness today. This level of effort is accelerated becoming the lone mode to summation immoderate benignant of moat, creating worldly that doesn’t already exist connected a twelve different institution blogs.

In the epoch of information abundance, our request for accusation is comparatively casual to sate; but we person a near-limitless hunger for entertainment, and idiosyncratic interaction, and weird, pattern-interrupting experiences.

Gonzo contented selling tin deliver.

“But what was the story? Nobody had bothered to say. So we would person  to drum it up   connected  our own.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing successful  Las Vegas

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